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section. Approval of proposed facilities or modifications by the city manager <br />will not in any way guarantee that these facilities or modifcations will function <br />in the required manner or attain the required results, nor shall it relieve an <br />industrial user of the responsibility of enlarging or otherwise modifying or <br />replacing such facilities to accomplish the intended purpose and to meet the <br />applicable standards, limitations and conditions of sections 6.50 to 6.596 <br />of this code and, in the case of a permit holder, the wastewater discharge <br />permit. <br />fie} Conf dential information. Information and data obtained by the <br />city from reports, questionnaires, permit applications, permits and monitoring <br />programs shall be available to the public and other governmental agencies <br />without restriction unless the industrial user requests in writing that it be <br />Conf dential and demonstrates to the satisfaction of the city manager that <br />such records are exempt from disclosure under the Oregon Public Records <br />Law, ORS ~ 92.4 o, et seq. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, <br />ail such data shall be available at least to the extent necessary, to permit the <br />city manager to ensure compliance with sections 6.50 to 6.596 of this code <br />as well as the requirements of 40 CFR section 2.362, When confidentiality <br />is requested and the right thereto is established by the industrial user, the <br />confidential information shall not be made available for inspection by the <br />public but may be made available upon written request to governmental <br />agencies for uses related to sections 6.50 to 6.596 of this code, the NPDES <br />permit, or pretreatment programs. However, all porkions of a report shall be <br />available for use by the city, state or any state agency orfederal agency in <br />judicial or enforcement proceedings involving the person furnishing the <br />report. <br />~2} Wastewater discharge permits. <br />~a} General. Every significant industrial user shall secure a <br />wastewater discharge permit from the city. Any discharge by a significant <br />industrial user without a wastewater discharge permit is a violation of this <br />code except as provided in subpara ra h b of this subsection. <br />g p ~} <br />~d} Duration. Permits shall be issued for a specified time period, <br />not to exceed three years. The permit holder shall apply for permit <br />reissuance a minimum of 9fl days prior to the expiration of its existing permit <br />if it desires to continue to discharge. An expired permit will continue to be in <br />effect until the city takes final action on the renewal application to issue or <br />deny the permit ~"final action"} if: <br />1. The permit holder has submitted a complete permit <br />application at least 9o da s riorto the ex iration of its ermit~ and <br />Yp p p <br />2. The failure to take final action is not due to any actor <br />failure to act on the part of the permit holder. <br />fie} Conditions. wastewater discharge permits shall be expressly <br />subject to all provisions of sections 6.50 to 6.596 of this code, Where <br />applicable, permits shall contain the following conditions: <br />oRD1NANCE - 5 <br />