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years from the date of final decision. The prohibition may be waived if the city manager <br />determines that the issuance of a new discharge permit is necessary to avert an imminent <br />or existing danger to the health or welfare of persons, property or the environment. <br />Section 6. Subsection ~3} of Section 6.586 of the Eugene Code,1971, is amended <br />27th day of January, 1997. <br />to provide: <br />6.586 industrial Pretreatment Program...- Enforcement orders. <br />~3} Constituent limitation. A constituent limitation is exceeded when: <br />~a} The concentration of a restricted substance in any sample or <br />in a series of samples taken during the appropriate time period therefor, has <br />exceeded limitations published by the city manager, or any other limitation <br />imposed by a discharge permit; or <br />fib} The pH of any sample is outside the permitted pH range, or <br />~c} A continuous recording pH instrument indicates that the pH of <br />the industrial discharge: <br />1. Is lower than 5.5 or greaterthan 12.o for more than 30 <br />minutes in any calendar day, or <br />2. Is lower than 5.0 or greater than 12.5 at any time during <br />a calendar day, or <br />~d} The volume restrictions of a discharge permit are exceeded. <br />Section 7. The City Recorder, at the request of, or with the concurrence of the City <br />Attorney, is authorized to administratively correct any reference errors contained herein or <br />in other provisions of the Eugene Code, 1911, to the provisions added, amended or <br />repealed herein. <br />Passed by the City Council this Approved by the Mayor this <br />27th day of January,1997. <br />~~~ i <br />City Recorder Mayor <br />ORDINANCE - l <br />