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EXHIBIT B: <br />FINDINGS IN SUPPORT OF THE ORDINANCE AMENDING THE EUGENE- <br />SPRINGFIELD METOPOLITANAREA PLAN DIAGRAM AND CONCURRENT <br />AUTOMATIC AMENDMENT OF THE wILLAKENZIE PLAN DIAGRAM AND <br />FERRY STREET SUBAREA MAP, MA 97-1, SKIPWORTH <br />Metro Plan Amendment Criteria #1: <br />EC 9.128 3 a The amendment must be consistent with the relevant statewide <br />lannin oals ado ted b the Land Conservation and Develo ment Commission. <br />Goal 1, Citizen Involvement: To develop a citizen involvement program that insures the <br />opportunity for citizens to be involved in all phases of the planning process. <br />This Metro Plan amendment application is subject to the public notification and hearing <br />processes adapted by the City of Eugene in EC 9.118 to 9.136, The amendment was be <br />considered at a public hearing before the Eugene Planning Commission, Notice of the Planning <br />Commission public hearing was published in the Register~Guard. written notice of the Planning <br />Commission public hearing was mailed to the owners and occupants of properties within 30~ <br />feet of the property, to persons who have requested notice, and to the neighborhood association, <br />After receiving the recommendation from the Planning Commission, the City Council held a <br />duly noticed public hearing on the record to consider approval, modification, or denial of the <br />amendment. These processes afforded ample opportunity for citizen involvement consistent with <br />Goal 1. <br />The amendment, therefore, is consistent with statewide planning Goal 1. <br />Goal 2, Land Use Planning: To establish a land use planning process and policy framework <br />as a basis for all decision and actions related to use of land and to assure an adequate factual <br />base for such decisions and actions. <br />This application to amend the Metro Plan and willakenzie Area Plan diagrams is consistent <br />with Plan amendment provisions found in the Metro Plan, as codif ed in the Eugene Code. The <br />Metro Plan is an acknowledged comprehensive plan, pursuant to provisions specified by the <br />Land Conservation and Development Commission. <br />4n April 28,1997, the Eugene City Council initiated this Type 11 Metro Plan diagram <br />amendment at the request of the Lane County Board of Commissioners. Provisions in the <br />Eugene Code specify the means by which the Nletro Plan maybe amended SEC 9.118 to 9.136}. <br />This application, and the process for reviewing the requested amendment, follow the procedures <br />outlined in the Eugene Code, thus conforming with the established land use planning process <br />consistent with Goal 2. <br />1 <br />