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A notice containing the information required by E. C. 7.155 <br />has been pasted on a bulletin board at City Hall and given by <br />certified mail to the owners of the parcels of real property <br />subject to the assessment at least ten days prior to the public <br />hearing before the Hearings Official. At the time and place <br />specified therein, a Hearings Official received the report of the <br />City Engineer and Finance Officer as required by E . C . 7 . l 8 7 ~ 1 } , <br />heard all evidence and argument presented, fully considered the <br />same and has reported his adapted findings to the City Council. <br />Because of the general proximity of the sanitary sewers <br />constructed in Basins irk it ! rr S rr ~ and "U" , because the work was dare <br />during the same construction season, because the historic public <br />notices, hearings, proceedings and information have been the same <br />for the specially benefitted properties, and because of savings in <br />engineering and administrative costs, it is equitable that the cost <br />of the three separate contracts under which the local improvement <br />has been constructed in 1996 be combined when calculating the <br />assessments for the individual specially benefitted properties. <br />Parcels for which sanitary sewers were constructed earlier but <br />which were not fully assessed until being included in this local <br />improvement district are to be assessed based on the same unit <br />values as the 1996 construction. <br />XSU ORDINANCE - Page ~ <br />