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assessment and the obligations created by this Ordinance shall also <br />include the local and regional development charge. <br />The totals costs for this capital construction project are as <br />set forth on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by <br />this reference. <br />In these proceedings for the formation of the local improve- <br />ment district and the levying of special benefit assessments, the <br />City has afforded the owners of the affected property the same <br />notice, opportunity to be heard and all other rights and remedies <br />which the owners of property within the city have under the Charter <br />and ordinances of the City. <br />The City Council has reviewed and considered the assessment <br />report of the City Engineer and Finance Officer and the findings <br />and summary of hearing prepared by the Hearings Official, and based <br />thereon: <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Sec_tian 1. The summary of the hearing conducted by the <br />Hearings official is hereby made a part of the Council's record in <br />these proceedings, and the above findings and the Hearings <br />official's findings, including those regarding compliance with E. <br />C. 7.160 through 7.190, attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorpo- <br />rated herein by reference, are hereby adopted. <br />XSU ORDINANCE - Page 4 <br />