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ORDINANCE No. 20 l 09 <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING PUBLIC HEARINGS; <br />AMENDING SECTION 2.007 OF THE EUGENE CODE, 1971; <br />AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. <br />THE CITY of EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOVL~S: <br />Section 1. Subsection ~4} of Section 2.007 of the Eugene Code, 1971, is amended to provide: <br />' cil -Meetings. <br />2.007 C~ Coun ,,,_ ._~ ,. <br />~4} The council shall hold at least one public hearing prior to taking final action on an <br />Y <br />ordinance, except <br />~a} upon unanimous consent of the council; or <br />fib} where a hearing has been held under Section 7,187, of the Eugene Code,1971. <br />S ectian 2. The City Recorder, at the request of, or with the concurrence of the City Attorne , <br />Y <br />is authorized to administratively correct any reference errors contained herein or in other rovisions <br />p <br />of the Eugene Code, 1971, to the provisions added, amended or repealed herein. <br />Section 3. That the matters contained herein concern the public welfare, and in order to <br />provide for the orderly implementation of the provisions amended herein, an emer enc is hereb <br />g y Y <br />declared to exist, and this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passa e b the Cit <br />g Y y <br />Council and approval by the Mayor, retention by the Mayor for more than ten days, or reado tion <br />P <br />over a Mayoral veto bytwo-thirds of all members of the City Council. <br />Passed by the City Council this <br />9"~ day of March, 1998. <br />City Recorder <br />Approved by the Mayor this <br />ordinance <br />r:lordinanclpsihhe~r2,ordwpd <br />9~` day of March,1998. <br />