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ORDINANCE NO. ,~ <br />An ordinance vacating the following described street right-of way to wit: <br />The 1400 block of Moss Street, east of Agate Street, west of Villard <br />Street, north of East 15th Avenue Tax Lots 7700, 7800, 7900, 8000, <br />8100, Assessor's Map 17-03-33-32; and Tax Lot 1500, Assessor's <br />Map 17-03-32-41, more particularly described in Exhibit A attached <br />hereto. University of Uregon, SV 9$-1}, <br />Reserving herein a public utility easement as more particularly set <br />forth in Exhibit A attached hereto. <br />~n the 23~d day of February,199S, the City Council of the City of Eugene b Motion dul <br />y Y <br />passed, called a public hearing to be held at 7:30 p.m., Pacific Time on the 6th day of ApriI,1998, <br />at the Council Chambers at City fall, Eugene, aregon, at which time and place protests and <br />remonstrances could be heard as to the proposed vacation of the above-described streetright-of way. <br />Notice was duly and regularly given of the hearing and at said time and place the Council <br />heard all objections to the proposed vacation and assessment. <br />All persons owning property abutting the street to be vacated have consented to the vacation <br />and applied for the same. <br />THE CITY GF EUGENE DUES URDAIN AS FULLUwS: <br />Section 1. The City Council of the City of Eugene finds that due and regular notice of the <br />hearing was published and posted as bylaw required, and no valid objections to the vacation were <br />made at the hearing or filed. The consent of the owners of the abutting property has been duly and <br />regularly filed in the proceedings and the public interest will not be prejudiced by the vacation of the <br />street right-of way. <br />ORDINANCE -1 <br />