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NOTICE GF CITY ELECTION <br />CITY OF EUGENE <br />NOTICE is hereby given that a City election will be held in the City of Eugene, Gregon on <br />Tuesday, November 3,199$, to be conducted by the Lane County Election Department in accordance <br />with the provisions of Chapter 254 of Oregon Revised Statutes. This election is called for the <br />purpose of voting on the following Measure of the City of Eugene: <br />Measure ~p : TITLE; "FOUR-YEAR LIBRARY OPERATI(]NS SERIAL <br />LEVY." <br />uestion: Shall Eugene levy $2,190,000 per year commencing fiscal <br />year 1999100 for library operating costs? This measure may <br />cause properly taxes to increase more than three percent. This <br />levy would be imposed for four years. <br />Summa The funds provided by this levy will be used to meet one-time <br />costs and operations of a new large main library and two <br />branch libraries. Levy funds also can be used for service <br />enhancements, including Sunday hours, enhanced collection, <br />and enhanced Internet center. A budget for each year will be <br />prepared, reviewed, and approved by the City. The <br />$2,190,000 levy will remain the same in each year for the <br />four-year period, for a total levy of $$,70,000. This levy is <br />subject to the limitation of section 11 b, Article ~ of the <br />Oregon Constitution. <br />The voting places and Clerks of the election will be those fixed by Lane County. <br />WARREN G. WONG <br />CITY RECORDER <br />Notice -Exhibit 2 <br />