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ORDINANCE NU. 20165 <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING GRAFFITI; AND <br />AMENDING SECTIONS 6.005, 6.010, 6.080, 6.100, AND 6.990 <br />OF THE EUGENE CUDE,1971. <br />The City Council of the City of Eugene finds that: <br />A. Graffiti is a persistent problem in many areas of the City. <br />B. The existence of graffiti causes damage to the public by creating blight, marrin the <br />. , g <br />City s visual attractiveness, decreasing property values, adversely affecting the quality of life for the <br />City's citizens and discrediting the City's reputation far livability. The visual bli ht and ro e <br />g p p ~Y <br />damage caused by graffiti takes its toll on the community standards. When graffiti is allowed to <br />remain on property and it is not promptly removed, it invites yet more markings and criminal <br />activity, creating an atmosphere that deteriorates the City's quality of life and fosters a eneral fear <br />g <br />of crime. <br />C. Graffiti defaces property, causing damage to the owner of the property on which it <br />appears, whether the owner is a private citizen or organization, or a governmental entity. To remove <br />this graffiti, it is necessary to paint it over or to use other substances to clean or remove it from the <br />surface, creating a financial burden, <br />D. The welfare of the citizens of the City will be served by declaring the existence of <br />graffiti to be a nuisance and to provide for its prompt removal. <br />E. When graffiti is removed in a timely fashion, the likelihood of its re-application <br />decreases dramatically. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DUES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS; <br />Section 1, Section 6.005 of the Eugene Code, 1971, is amended by adding the followin <br />.. g <br />definition in alphabetical order thereinto provide: <br />6.005 Definitions. For purposes of sections 6.x05 to 6.845, the following <br />words and phrases mean: <br />Graffiti. Any inscriptions, words, figures or designs, other than handbills, <br />that are marked, etched, scratched, drawn, painted, pasted, or otherwise off xed to the <br />exterior surface of public or private property, without the knowledge and prior <br />consent of the owner or person in charge of the property. <br />Ordinance -1 <br />