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Ordinance No. 20168
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 20168
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:49:32 PM
Creation date
1/14/2009 2:45:00 PM
Council Ordinances
Granting to Williams Communications, Inc., a non-exclusive franchise to use the public way to construct and maintain public communication facilities within the City of Eugene.
Approved Date
James D. Torrey
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~ ~ • <br />AGREEMENT <br />NO'L~, THEREFORE, it is agreed that: <br />A. In return far the City's promises and in fulfillment of its obligations under this <br />Agreement and any relevant City ordinance, wILLIAMS agrees to: <br />1. Provide, collectively to the City and all other cities and counties acting on behalf <br />of, and in anticipation of, an entity known as the "Fiber South Consortium", the <br />following equipment and services. Each and every obligation to provide this <br />equipment and service shall be transferable and shall be accepted by any entity <br />that obtains by transfer, sale, assignment, or other method of acquisition any of <br />the properties, rights, obligations, facilities or equipment related to or necessary <br />for the fulfillment of this Agreement. <br />a. An Indefeasible Right of Use ~"IRU"} for a period of 2~ years, with <br />negotiations on renewal to begin after 17 years} for six pairs twelve total <br />optical f fibers} of optical fiber along the route from the coastal POP near <br />Bandon to the point where the wILLIAMS' route intersects the BPA fiber <br />route at Structure 2912, and from the Lane BPA substation to the Jasper <br />Regen Site, and from the Jasper Regen site south along the wILLIAMS <br />route in Lane County and ODOT right of way and in O.C.R.R. right of <br />wa to the Dint where this route south and along the wagon Road <br />Y p . <br />intersects the ~UILLIAMS route from the Bandon POP to the BPA route. <br />This fiber shall hereafter be referred to as'fhe "Consortium Fiber". The <br />fiber shall be SMF-28 Single Made Optical Fiber or fiber of equal <br />serviceability. The routes referred to in this subsection are represented on <br />two maps, labeled Exhibit A and Exhibit B, which are attached, and by <br />this reference are incorporated into this agreement. <br />The IRU shall rovide that wILLIAMS will assume responsibility for <br />p <br />maintenance of the Consortium Fiber. Maintenance shall include all <br />necessary steps to keep the f ber in working order. The IRU shall provide <br />that, in the event that relocation of the fiber is required for any reason, <br />wILLIAMS will absorb the cost of the relocation, except that the <br />Consortium will be responsible for the cost for the proportional cost} of <br />any additional f ber necessary to preserve the connectivity of the <br />Consortium Fiber. <br />After this Agreement has been executed, a formal IRU agreement <br />governing the terms and conditions of the grant of IRU shall be executed <br />between the parties and shall be attached hereto and made part of this <br />Agreement. <br />b. Twenty-five access points along the routes of the Consortium Fiber <br />described in paragraph a. of this subsection, such access paints to be <br />July 9,1999 <br />Page ~ <br />
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