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CITY OF EUGENE <br />INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM <br />CITY ATTORNEY -CIVIL DEPARTMENT <br />To: C actin - ASD Date: December 29 1999 <br />sect: EC 6.100 <br />In response to your e-mail of December 23,1999, we have reviewed our files with respect <br />to the graffiti ordinance ~No. 20165} adopted on August 11,1999 and the unlawful erosion ordinance <br />~No. 20169} adopted on September 27,1999. Both of these ordinances effected amendments to <br />Section 6.100 of the Eugene Code, 1971 SEC}, <br />In addition to ater text changes, Ordinance 20165 added a new subsection ~2} to EC 6.100, <br />resulting in the existing subsections ~2} through (5}being renumbered ~3}through ~6}. <br />___ <br />Ordinanc 20169 as initially drafted prior to enactment of Ordinance 24165, It is clear <br />from a review of the legislative draft of the ordinance that the intent was to amend the prior <br />..~._.. <br />subsection ~3}, which became subsection ~4} after passage of Ordinance~~0~~~65. e only changes <br />t .. <br />proposed consisted of the insertion of the word "assessed" before the word "costs" and deletion of <br />the phrase "of the abatement" after the word in the f rst lane, and addition of the last sentence that <br />provided "If the person responsible is not the owner of the property, then the city also may impose <br />alien upon property owned by the person responsible." <br />By copy of this memorandum we are requesting the City Recorder to correct as a scrivener's <br />error the reference to Subsection ~3} in Section 5 of Ordinance No. 20169 so that it refers to <br />Subsection ~4}, and to make a corresponding change to the on-line version of the Code. <br />If you or the Recorder's office have any questions, please let us know. <br />HARRANG LONG GARY RUDNICK P.C. <br />CITY ATTU YS <br />~~ <br />en Fein <br />CrK: j <br />c • Kate Fieland <br />Deputy City Recorder <br />