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ORDINANCE NO. 20182 <br />AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FUR AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL <br />AGREEMENT TO ESTABLISH A REGIONAL FIBER CONSORTIUM FOR <br />THE OWNERSHIP AND OPERATION OF A FIBER OPTIC SYSTEM. <br />The City Council of the City of Eugene finds that: <br />A. GRS 194.010 provides that a unit of local government may enter into a written <br />agreement with any other unit or units of local government for the performance of any function that <br />a party to the agreement has authority to perform. <br />B. The City of Eugene has had discussions with several other units of lacal government, <br />including Lane County, Douglas County, Caos County, the Cities of Springfield, Cottage Grove, <br />Reedsport and other cities in the region regarding the formation of an entity by way of an <br />intergovernmental agreement for the purpose of mutual assistance in achieving the common goal of <br />better and more advanced telecommunications services in the area. <br />C. GRS 190.085 requires that each of the parties to an intergavernmental agreement <br />creating an intergovernmental entity under GRS 190,010 enact an ordinance ratifying creation of the <br />intergovernmental entity. <br />NOW THEREFORE, <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. 1t is the intent of the City Council to create an intergavernmental entity, to be <br />known as the Fiber South Consortium, by an intergovernmental agreement entered into by the City <br />and other units of local government pursuant to the provisions of ORS 190,043 e~ seq. <br />Section 2. The effective date of such intergovernmental agreement shall be the date after the <br />adoption of this ordinance upon which the intergovernmental agreement is signed by and for the City <br />of Eugene pursuant to the authorization of this ordinance. <br />Section 3. The public purposes for which the Regional Fiber Cansortium shall be created <br />shall be <br />3.1 To assume ownership and control of f ber optic cable obtained by the <br />consortium, or by any member government, that the government, in its discretion, deems it <br />Grdinance -1 <br />