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The amendments clarify and further refine the WEWP, The findings of goal com liance made as <br />... p <br />part of ~n~t~al adoption of the WEWP remain essentially unaffected by these amendments, The <br />amendments which create the new Planned Transpartation Corridor and Utility Corridor are nat <br />site specific and do not significantly alter the function, design and structure of the WEWP. Both <br />policies provide partial protection, allowing certain conflicting uses, as allowed under the Gaal 5 <br />process. <br />The fundamental program developed for Goal 5 compliance essentially remains unchan ed. The <br />.. g <br />polrc~es and criteria of the WEWP operate as a tool to further Goal 5 compliance by assistin in <br />.. g <br />determzning the sign~f cance of wetland resources, the conflicts and the economic, social, <br />environmental and energy values involved in protecting the resource. That analysis approaches <br />the wetlands of West Eugene as part of an interconnected natural system rather than as se arate, <br />. p <br />discrete sites. The focus remains ~ns~de the West Eugene Wetlands Special Study Area, kee in <br />p g <br />~n mind that the larger system of which these wetlands are a part extends beyond this and other <br />political boundaries. <br />As detailed in Exhibit C, the amendments are consistent with the applicable palicies of the Metro <br />Plan and the Nest Eugene Wetlands Plan. Those are the same policies previously acknowled ed <br />. . ~ g <br />as being xn compliance with statewide planning goals; and, in the case of the West Eugene <br />Wetlands Plan policies, deemed to be in compliance with applicable statewide goals by DSL <br />approval of the WEWP as a wetlands conservation plan. The plan amendments comply with <br />DRS 19G.681 to 19~.~84 and DAR 141, Divisionl2~. For those reasons, the Planned <br />Transportation Corridor and Utility Corridor policy and text amendments to the West Eugene <br />Wetlands Plan comply with Statewide Planning Goal 5. <br />Goal 9 -Economic Development <br />The purpose of Goal 9 is to provide adequate opportunities throughout the state for a variety of <br />economic activities vital to the health, wealth, and prosperity of Dregon's citizens. <br />Findings: <br />Industrial and Commercial Lands: <br />The amendments which create the new Planned Trannsportation Corridor and Utility Corridor will <br />not have any impact on the supply of buildable industrial and commercial land. The policies <br />themselves da not directly affect any specific properties. It is only when they are applied to <br />specific properties in subsequent Plan amendments that any impact to buildable lands might <br />result. Both policies create a wetland designation that will only be applied to wetlands that are <br />currently designated as protected or that would be designated for protection in the absence of <br />these new designations. The mad ority of sites where the new designations will be applied will be <br />in wetlands now designated for protection, and, therefore, not presently available for industrial or <br />commercial development. In short, these new designations will not preclude any development <br />PTC/UC Amendments Ordinance, ~xhi~it P (Statewide Planning Goal Findings) Page 4 <br />