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Item 4: PH on Ordinance Adopting PROS Comprehensive Plan
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2005
CC Agenda - 12/12/05 Mtg
Item 4: PH on Ordinance Adopting PROS Comprehensive Plan
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12/7/2005 11:56:13 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />Questions were raised by the council at the work wession regarding the relationship of the PROS <br />Comprehensive Plan to the Parks System Development Charge (SDC) review. The PROS <br />comprehensive planning process has resulted in the development of two documents: a PROS <br />Comprehensive Plan document and a PROS Project and Priority Plan. The PROS Project and Priority <br />Plan is proposed for adoption by City Council resolution separate from the adoption of PROS <br />Comprehensive Plan (which is being adopted by ordinance and as a refinement to the Metro Plan). The <br />Project and Priority Plan is the document most relevant to the SDC review, in that it identifies capital <br />project costs which the parks SDC methodology under review must consider. <br /> <br />The requirement that the City consider the costs of projects in an adopted plan when modifying SDCs or <br />adopting new SDCs arises from Oregon Revised Statutes. ORS 223.304(2)(a) provides, in part, that <br />SDC improvement fees must be established or modified by ordinance or resolution setting forth a <br />methodology that demonstrates consideration of the projected cost of capital improvements identified in <br />an adopted plan. This plan must meet certain criteria specified in ORS 223.309, including the <br />requirement that the plan include a list of the capital improvements that the local government intends to <br />fund, in whole or in part, with revenues from an improvement fee and the estimated cost, timing and <br />percentage of costs eligible to be funded with revenues from the improvement fee for each <br />improvement. The Project and Priority Plan will satisfy these statutory requirements. <br /> <br />The Project and Priority Plan itself does not prescribe the form of the SDC methodology nor the amount <br />of the SDC; rather it is a reference document that will be considered in the development of the SDC. <br />The SDC methodology may consider the Project and Priority Plan using a variety of means and may <br />include all, or a portion of the SDC-eligible project costs contained in the list. For example, the council <br />as a matter of policy in adopting the SDC methodology, may choose to utilize a subset of the projects in <br />the Project and Priority Plan as the basis for the SDC. These policy issues will be considered through <br />adoption of a modified parks SDC, subsequent to the separate adoptions of the PROS Comprehensive <br />Plan and the Project and Priority Plan. <br /> <br /> <br />RELATED CITY POLICIES <br />The PROS Comprehensive Plan will replace the Eugene Parks and Recreation Plan, which was adopted <br />by the City Council in 1989 as a refinement to the Metro Plan. <br /> <br /> <br />COUNCIL OPTIONS <br /> <br />The council is asked to hold a public hearing on the proposed adoption of the Parks, Recreation, and <br />Open Space (PROS) Comprehensive Plan. The council will be asked to adopt the PROS <br />Comprehensive Plan on January 9, 2006. <br /> <br /> <br />CITY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION <br /> <br />None; this is a public hearing only. <br /> <br /> <br />SUGGESTED MOTION <br /> <br />None; this is a public hearing only. <br /> <br /> L:\CMO\2005 Council Agendas\M051212\S0512124.doc <br /> <br />
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