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~ a} One hat f of the fine imposed may be waived i f the vi o- <br />l ator attends a vi of ators school conducted by the animal regul a- <br />tian authority, <br />fib} In addition to the fines imposed by this subsection, the <br />court may order any Level 3 or Level 4 potentially dangerous dog <br />to be neutered and any level 4 or level 5 potenti al ly dangerous dog <br />euthanized and may suspend, for a period of time, any level 5 <br />potentially dangerous dog owner's right to own a dog within <br />the city including dogs currently owned. <br />~c} For section 4.3703}, 4.405, 4.430, 4.460, 4.465, 4.410 <br />ar 4, 490 by a f i ne not more than $150. <br />~d} For section 4,3351}, 4,3402}, 4.375, 4,380,4.3908}, <br />4,3909}, 4,4001}, 4.410, 4.445, 4.450, 4.455 or 4,45 by a fine <br />of not more than $500 <br />.fie}, The violation of any other section not specified in this <br />sects an ~ s puny shabl a by a f ~ ne not mare than $250, <br />~3} violation of section 4.615 to 4.650 i s puni shab1 a as fol 1 ows: <br />~a} A person found by the court i n a ci vi l action brought <br />pursuant to section 4,6455}~a} to have engaged in an unlawful <br />practice is subject to a fine of not mare than $1,000 for each <br />occurrence thereof. The city shall be required to prove an act <br />of discrimination under this section by a preponderance of the <br />evidence. <br />fib} A, person found gui 1 ty of having intentionally and <br />wi 11 fully v~ ai ated the prove s~ ons of sections 4.615 to 4, 650 or a <br />person found guilty of violating those provisions a second or <br />additional time shall be subject, upon conviction in the municipal <br />court, to a fine of not more than $1,000 or shall be subject to <br />imprisonment of not more than 100 days, or both such fine and <br />imprisonment. <br />~4} violation of sections 4,572 to 4,879 and any regulations <br />adopted under those sections, except wi 1 l ful violations as defined i n subsec- <br />~ 5} , i s punishable by fine not to exceed $500. <br />~5} The willful violation of sections 4,872 to 4.579 and any regu- <br />l ations adapted under those sections or the wi 11 ful vi o1 ati an of any other <br />section of this chapter punishable by fine only while on the mall as defined <br />in section 4.871 is punishable by a fine not to exceed $1,000 or confinement <br />i n jail not to exceed one year, or both fine and imprisonment. A wi 11 f ul <br />violation of section 4.512 to 4. S19 or the regulations adopted thereto shal 1 <br />mean engaging i n the, same prohibited conduct after either receipt of a wri tten <br />note ce of the v~ 01 ate on as descry bed i n the Eugene Mal 1 Regu1 ati ons or re- <br />ceipt of a misdemeanant citation from a police officer. <br />~6} A respons i bl a party who vi al ates section 4.936 i s puni shabl e <br />by • <br />~a} A f i ne not to exceed $50 for the second false ai arm; <br />fib} A fine not to exceed $100 for the third false alarm; <br />~c} A f i ne not to exceed $250 far the fourth and subsequent <br />false alarms . <br />The court may di smi ss a ci tati on issued for violation of section 4.936 i f <br />within 10 days of the date of the ci tat i an a resOns i b1 a party provides the <br />court with proof ~ 1 } that the alarm system has been repaired and restored to <br />warki ng order or l egal iy removed from the premises; or ~2} that the false <br />Ordinance - 5 <br />