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Exhibit B <br />FINDINGS FOR METROPOLITAN PLAN CONSISTENCY <br />AMENDMENTS TO URBAN AND URBANIZABLE LAND, RIVER ROAD AND SANTA CLARA <br />The fallowing findings of consistency with the fundamental principles and <br />applicable pvl~c~es of the Metropolitan Area General Plan Plan} are made in <br />connection with amendments to the part of the P1 an entitled, "River Road and <br />Santa Clara" in Section D of Chapter II of the Plan. <br />1. The purpose of the Plan amendments i s to al 1 ow sewer connections to <br />developed 1 and i n the River Road/Santa C1 ara area without annexat i an of <br />those tracts . Tying annexation and service connection has resulted i n <br />too slow of a connection rate to remedy the groundwater pol 1 uti on <br />problem and to conform to the timetable for connections imposed by the <br />federal government. The P1 an amendments are necessary i n order to <br />assure the timely provision of sewer services in the River Road/Santa <br />Clara area. Thus, the Plan amendments are consistent with goals and <br />policies of the Plan requiring provision of urban services in an order- <br />ly, efficient and timely manner. See, Public Utilities, Services and <br />Facilities Goal, p. II-A-2. <br />2. There are no fundamental principles which preclude extraterritorial <br />sewer connections which are 1 i mi ted to developed properties . Since <br />only developed properties are affected, the principle of compact urban <br />growth i s not undercut fundamental Principle 3, p. I I -1 } . Provision <br />of these services by the City of Eugene is consistent with Fundamental <br />Principle 6. <br />3. The Plan amendments facilitate accomplishment of several of the Plan <br />goals. Provision of sewer services to developed residential properties <br />implements the Residents a1 land Use and Housing Goal to provide vi abl e <br />residential communities. Plan, p. II-A-1. Stopping groundwater pollu- <br />tion helps to provide a "healthy environment for the metropolitan <br />population" under the Env~ronmenta1 Resources Goal. Plan, p. II-A-1. <br />Amendment of the Plan to reflect changing conditions is consistent with <br />the P1 an Review, Amendment and Refinement Goal set out at P1 an, p. <br />II-A-2. <br />4. The connections al 1 owed by the Plan amendments are exceptions to the <br />general rules set out in Growth Management Policies 20 and 21 at P1 an, <br />p. II-B-1. These policies generally require annexation or an annexa- <br />tion agreement or petition for an extraterritorial service extension. <br />The Plan amendments create an exception to this general rule for sewer <br />extensi ans to developed properties within a part i cul ar geographic area <br />where there is groundwater contamination. The ordinance adopting these <br />P1 an amendments makes ci ear that the general rule stated i n Policies 20 <br />and 21 do not apply to the subject matter of the Pi an amendments. The <br />Plan amendments are otherwise cons i stmt with Pot i c i es I and 15 of th i s <br />part of the P1 an relating to provision of services inside the urban <br />service area. The Plan amendments are a1 so consistent with Publ i c <br />Utilities Element Pot icy 2 which regulates service extensions outside <br />Exhibit B - 1 <br />