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Ordinance No. 19691
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 19691
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:46:12 PM
Creation date
1/28/2009 12:56:22 PM
Council Ordinances
An ordinance amending the Eugene-Springfield Metro Area General Plan to allow sewer service to developed properties in the River Road and Santa Clara areas without also requiring annexation.
Approved Date
Jeffrey R. Miller
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The River Road and Santa Clara portions of the Eugene-Springfield metro- <br />politan area are important components of the metropolitan community. <br />Both River Road and Santa C1 ara have <br />--Unique and distinctive neighborhood identities <br />--Experienced considerable private investment in the past years <br />--Experienced considerable public investments, e.g,, transmission <br />facilities by the Eugene Water and Electric Board and educational <br />facilities by public school systems <br />- -A sound housing stock <br />In Santa Clara, relatively 1 arge parcels of vacant 1 and exist which, with <br />adequate urban services, can be developed at increased densities; i n River <br />Road, relatively large developed lots exist which could be further developed <br />by their owners. <br />The future of both the River Road and Santa Clara areas will p1 ay a critical <br />role in the growth of the metropolitan area. Far some years, officials of <br />lane County and Eugene have cooperatively discussed methods of delivering <br />services to these neighborhoods. These discussions have continually focused <br />on two sides of a single critical issue: <br />How can the short-range costs and benefits to the residents and other <br />service providers be balanced against, and what are the long-range <br />costs and benefits to the residents and the entire metropolitan area of <br />1 ogi cal growth and increased densities? <br />Inflation has drastically increased the need to balance these two potentially <br />divergent objectives. The effects of continued inflation can be mitigated by <br />identifying and implementing a solution to the servicing issue. For in- <br />stance, since 97fi, the average construction cost for sewer 1 i nes has risen <br />by approximately 90 percent. <br />A unique set of circumstances has occurred which 1 ends direction to resal u- <br />ti on of the service delivery questions for both River Road and Santa Clara. <br />1. As part of the acknowledgment process for the Eugene-Springfield Metro- <br />pal itan Area General Plan, the land Conservation and Development Com- <br />mission has directed that a servicing plan be developed for both River <br />Road and Santa C1 ara and that Eugene provide those services . <br />2, Discussions between Eugene officials and state and county representa- <br />ti ves of the River Road and Santa Clara area have 1 ed to recons i dera- <br />tion of Eugene's policy to provide services to these neighborhoods only <br />after annexation to the City of Eugene of both areas has occurred. <br />3. Preliminary review of Eugene's comprehensive capital improvement program <br />suggested a full range of services could not be provided immediately <br />even if the areas were annexed at one time. <br />Ordinance - 3 <br />
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