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Ordinance No. 19697
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 19697
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:46:15 PM
Creation date
1/28/2009 1:06:47 PM
Council Ordinances
An ordinance concerning noise disturbance; amending Sections 4.083 and 4.084 of the Eugene Code, 1971; and declaring an emergency.
Approved Date
Jeffrey R. Miller
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fie} Sounds made by activities by or at the request of the <br />city in.maintenance, construction, or repair of public improvements <br />~n public r~ghts4of-way or easements. <br />~f} Sounds produced pursuant to a specific variance granted <br />by the Oregon Environmental Quality Commission, Or by the city <br />manager or hearings official under subsection ~2} of this section. <br />fig} Sounds caused by sources regulated as to sound production <br />by federal 1 aw or sounds caused by sources the regulation of which <br />is preempted by state law. <br />~ h } Sounds not electronically amplified, created by athl et i c <br />and entertainment events other than motor vehicle racing events or <br />fireworks displays . <br />~ i } E1 ectron i cal 1 y amplified announcements at athl et i c <br />events other than motor vehicle racing events. <br />~ j } The sounding of any horn or signaling device on an auto - <br />mobi 1 e, motarcycl e, or other vehicle reasonably required by the <br />exigencies of vehicular Or pedestrian traffic. <br />~k} Sounds specifically authorized under a permit or license <br />issued by the city, <br />~2} Variances. Any person who owns, controls, or operates any <br />sound source which does not comply with section 4.080 or 4.483 of this code <br />may apply to the city manager for a variance. As used herein, "city manager" <br />includes a des i gnee of the city manager. <br />~a} Applicaā€˛tiOn. An application for a variance shall be in <br />writing on a form provided by the city, contain the i nfarmat i on <br />required by the city manager, and be accompanied by a fee i n an <br />amount set under section 2.420 of this code. Na application shall <br />be considered received until all required information and the fee <br />have been submitted. <br />fib} Public notification. The city shall give written notice <br />of the application to any officially recognized neighborhood associ- <br />ati on i n whose boundaries the sound source i s 1 acated. The city <br />shall also post written notice at the sound source 1 ocati on . The <br />notice sha11 state the date by which the application wi 11 be con- <br />sidered, the nature of the variance to be considered, and where <br />persons may f i 1 e written comments regarding the application . The <br />applicant shall maintain the posted notice until the final decision <br />on the application is made. <br />~c} T es of variances. <br />I . Cl ass A vari antes may be granted by the city manager <br />for an event ar activity which does not exceed 24 hours. <br />2. Cl ass B vari antes may be granted by the city manager <br />for an event or activity or series of related activities which <br />are 24 hours or more in duration, <br />~d} Decision. <br />1. The city manager shall grant or deny the variance <br />within 14 days of receiving a compl ete variance application . <br />The time for decision may be extended to 30 days if a public <br />hearing On the application i s held . <br />2. The city manager may, on his or her own motion, h01 d <br />a pub1 i c hearing an the application before deciding to grant <br />or deny the variance. <br />3. The city manager may grant a variance after consider- <br />Ordinance - 2 <br />
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