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what acts must be done to render the same safe. <br />fig} Every bui 1 di ng or part thereof which i s found to be a <br />dangerous building is hereby declared to be a public nuisance, <br />and the same may be abated either summarily under section 6.110 <br />of,the Eugene Cade, 1911,ar through the procedures specified in <br />this sects on, or by a sup t for abatement thereof brought i n a <br />court of competent jurisdiction. <br />X26} Stop use, ,,,order. Whenever the city manager determines that any <br />bui 1 d~ ng, structure or prem~ ses ~ s bey ng used contrary to the provisions of <br />a techn i cal code, the city manager may order, by written notice, such use <br />discontinued, and the structure, premises or portion thereof vacated. The <br />notice shall be served on any person causing such use to be continued. When- <br />ever the city manager determines that any equipment or system, or portion <br />thereof, regulated by any technical code has became hazardous to 1 i fe, <br />health or property, the city manager may order that such equipment either <br />be removed yr restored to a safe or sanitary cvndi ti on, as appropriate. The <br />notice shall fix a time limit for compliance with such order. No person <br />shall use or occupy a building or premises, or use or maintain the defective <br />equipment or system after receiving such notice. <br />X27} Utilit disconnect. The city manager may disconnect any <br />ut~ 1 ~ ty serve ce or energy suppl ~ ed to any bui 1 di ng, structure ar bui 1 di ng <br />service equipment therein where necessary to eliminate an immediate hazard <br />to 1 i fe or property, where work has been performed wi thout a requi red permit, <br />where work is being done in violation of any provision of this code or the <br />technical codes, and where the bui 1 di ng i s being accupi ed i n violation of <br />this code or the technical codes. Whenever possible, the city manager shat l <br />notify the serving utility, the owner and occupant of the building, structure <br />or building service equipment of the decision to disconnect prior to taking <br />such action, and shall notify such serving utility, owner and occupant of <br />the building, structure or building service equipment, in writing, of such <br />d~ sconnect~on ~mmed~ ately+thereafter. The city manager shall thereupon place <br />a note ce on the prem~ ses ~ n a manner to reasonably apprise those coming on <br />the property of the disconnection. It shall be un1 awful for any person to <br />remove the note ce of disconnection. The city manager shal 1 authorize recon- <br />nection of uti1 ity service when he/she is satisfied the condition which led <br />to the disconnection wi 11 be expeditiously corrected or i s corrected . <br />X28} Administrative civil penalty. <br />.,~ <br />Via} Yn addi ti~on ~ to, ~ and not i n lieu of any other enforcement <br />mechanism authorized by this code, upon a determination by the city <br />manager that a person has violated this administrative code or any <br />provision of a techn i cal code, the city manager may impose upon the <br />violator and other responsi b1 a person, an administrative ci vi 1 <br />penalty as provided by section 2.018 of the Eugene Code, 1911. For <br />purposes of this section, a responsible person includes: <br />1. The owner of the building, and <br />2. Where the violator works for a contractor, either as <br />an employee, subcontractor, or independent contractor, the <br />contractor and/ar other employer. <br />fib} In addition to enforcement mechanisms authorized else- <br />where in the Eugene Code, 1971, failure to pay an administrative <br />penalty imposed pursuant to subsection ~a} of this section shal 1 <br />be grounds for; <br />Ordinance - 14 <br />