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Eugene, City of Springfield, and Lane County. <br />2 C_r_t_eri a or a royal of,., ,,.,..,.,.,..,...,_.. <br />~ } _ __pp ,, , p1 an amendment. The following cri - <br />teria shall be applied by the city council in approving or denying a plan <br />amendment application or initiation ; <br />~a} The amendment must be consistent with the relevant state- <br />wide planning goals adopted by the Land Conservation and Development <br />Commission; <br />fib} Adoption of the amendment must not make the Metropolitan <br />Plan internally inconsistent; and, <br />~c} The amendment is not a plan update amendment, unless the <br />amendment has been initiated by the goverening bodies of the city <br />of Eugene, city of Springfield, and Lane County under section 9.120 <br />~1}~c} of this code. In determining whether a plan amendment is a <br />p1 an update amendment, the city council is not bound by the deter- <br />mination of the planning director or Metropolitan Policy Committee <br />made under section 9.122 of this code. <br />9,130 Metro Plan - Plan Amendment A royal Process Sin le Jurisdiction . <br />~1} When sin le 'urisdiction rocess is used. The following pro- <br />cess shall be used to approve minor plan amendments when the City of Eugene <br />is the home jurisdiction and no other jurisdiction is substantively affected <br />by the proposed amendment. <br />~2} Plannin commission consideration. Within S5 days of the plan <br />amendment initiation, the planning commission shall hold a public hearing to <br />consider the proposed amendment. At least twenty days before the hearing, <br />notice of the hearing shall be published in a local newspaper of general cir- <br />cul ati on and mai 1 ed to the applicant, the owners and occupants of properties <br />that are the subject of the proposed amendment, persons who have requested <br />notice, and property owners of record of property 1 acated within 304 feet of <br />the subject property. The content of the notice, timing of the staff report, <br />and conduct of the hearing on the amendment shall be as required by this code <br />and state law. The planning commission sha11 review the proposed amendment <br />and receive evidence and testimony on whether the proposed change can be jus- <br />tified under the approval criteria. Within 30 days following the public hear- <br />ing and close of the evidentiary record, the planning commission shall adapt <br />a written recommendation on the proposed amendment. The recommendation shall <br />contain findings and conclusions on whether the proposal ar a math f i ed pro- <br />posal meets the approval criteria. <br />~3} City council deciā€˛soon. Within 30 days after planning commis- <br />si on action on the proposed plan amendment, the city counci 1 shat 1 hold a <br />public hearing to consider arguments on the proposal . The plan amendment <br />decision shall be based solely on the evidentiary record created before the <br />planning commission. No new evidence shall be allowed at the hearing before <br />the city council. Within 30 days of the public hearing, the city council <br />shall approve, modify and approve, or deny the proposed amendment. The <br />council shall take this action by ordinance with adapted findings and conclu- <br />sions on whether the proposal or a modified proposal meets the approval cri- <br />teria. The action of the city council is final. <br />9.132 Metro Plan - Plan Amendment A royal Process Two Jurisdictions . <br />~1} When two 'urisdictians rocess is used. The fallowing pro- <br />Ordinance - 5 <br />