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including: <br />1. Hydroelectric and steam generation facility <br />improvements; <br />2. Electric and steam transmission and distribution <br />system improvements; and <br />3. Substation improvements and additions. <br />section 2. Terms ,and Conditions _,,,,o„f Bonds. All terms and <br />conditions of the bonds or other evidences of indebtedness and the <br />terms upon which the same may be sold shall be prescribed by <br />ordinance to be adopted by the City Council. However, such bonds <br />or other evidences of indebtedness shall mature not later than <br />thirty years from the date thereof and shall bear interest at a net <br />effective rate not tv exceed thirteen per centum X13%} per annum. <br />Such bonds or other evidences of indebtedness shall include a <br />statement on their face to the effect : ~ 1 } that they do not in <br />any manner constitute a general obligation of the Eugene Water & <br />Electric Board, or of the City of Eugene, or create a charge upon <br />the tax revenues of the City, or upon any other revenues ar <br />property of the City, or property of the Board, but are a charge <br />upon and payable solely from the revenues of the Electric Utility <br />System of the City, or any portion thereof, pledged to the payment <br />thereof; ~Z} that the holders thereof may look for repayment only <br />to the revenues of the Electric Utility System which are pledged <br />tv the payment thereof, and may not directly or indirectly be paid <br />or compensated through the property of the City, yr the Eugene <br />Water & Electric Board, or by or through the taxing power of the <br />City. <br />ordinance ~- 2 <br />