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3.291 Securit A enc -Securit Officer; Certification Re uirements. <br />~1} A security officer shad <br />~a} Obtain and maintain a valid security officer certifica- <br />tion card issued by the city; <br />fib} Have his/her certification card in his/her possession <br />while on-duty; <br />~c} Exhibit his/her certification card to any person upon <br />request; <br />~d } Not falsify, deface ar obliterate any identification card <br />or certification card; <br />fie} Nat commit any offense set out in section 3.281 of this <br />chapter; <br />~ f } Report to the city i n writing within seven days any con- <br />vlct~on for any offense set out ~n section 3.287 of this chapter; <br />fig} Deliver his or her identification card and certification <br />card to his or her employer within three days from the date of ter- <br />urination of employment or the expiration of the term thereof; and, <br />~h} Comply with all requirements of section 3.041 of this <br />chapter. <br />~2} Violation of this section shall be grounds for suspension or <br />revocation of the certification card. <br />3.292 Securit A enc -Armed Securit Officer; Certification Re uire- <br />ments. <br />~1} An armed security officer shall: <br />~ a} Obtain and maintain a val i d armed certification card <br />issued by the city. A concealed weapon permit as issued by Lane <br />County shall not be accepted in lieu of the requirements of this <br />subsection ; <br />f fib} Have his/her armed certification card in his/her posses- <br />sion while on-duty; <br />~c} Exhibit his/her armed certification card to any person <br />upon request; <br />~d} Nat falsify, deface ar obliterate any identification <br />card or certification card; <br />fie} Deliver his or her identification card and certification <br />card to his or her employer within three days from the date of ter- <br />mi nati on of employment or the expiration of the term thereof; and, <br />~f} Comply with the requirements of section 3.041 of this <br />chapter. <br />~2} Violation of ,this section shall be grounds far suspension or <br />or revocation of the cert~f~cat~on card. <br />3.293 Securit A enc -Termination of Securit Officer. within seven <br />days of the termination from employment of any security officer, <br />whether certified or has an application pending, a security agency shall: <br />~a} Notify the city in writing of the termination; <br />4b} Recover the empl oye's certification cards and return <br />them to the city; <br />~c} Recover the employe's identification card; <br />~d} Nati fy the city of any fai 1 ure to comply with this sec- <br />tion. <br />Ordinance - 13 <br />