other type of arms, including, but not limited to a guard dog,
<br />while so employed, excluding any officer ar employe of any law
<br />enforcement agency of the United States, or any state, county or
<br />city while engaged in the perfarmance of his/her official duties.
<br />Investi ati on. Any activity that has the purpose of obtaining
<br />information about any of the following matters: actual or poten-
<br />tial crimes ar wrongs against any government; the habits, conduct,
<br />movements, associates, transactions, reputation or character of
<br />persons; the credibility of witnesses yr other persons; the loca-
<br />tion or recovery of lost or stolen property; the securing of evi-
<br />dence to be used before governmental agencies, boards of award or
<br />arbitration, or courts; or the cause, origin, or responsibility for
<br />fire, accidents or injury to real or personal property.
<br />Unarmed investi ator. Any person engaged in the accupation
<br />of investigation who does not have a firearm or other arms in
<br />his/her possession ar readily accessible within any vehicle occu-
<br />pied by the person while so employed.
<br />Security Agency:
<br />Armed Security,,,_afficer. Any person engaged in the occupation
<br />of watching, guarding or protecting property or persans, who has a
<br />firearm in his/her possession or readily accessible within any
<br />vehicle occupied by the persan, or has any other type of arms, in-
<br />cluding, but not limited to a guard dog, while so employed, exclud-
<br />ing any officer or employe of any law enforcement agency of the
<br />United States, or any state, county or city while engaged in the
<br />performance of his/her official duties,
<br />Securit A enc . Any person engaged in the business of watch-
<br />ing, guarding, or protecting property or persons, or providing
<br />crowd control services, excluding any law enforcement agency of the
<br />United States or any state, county or city while engaged in the
<br />performance of his/her official duties, or excluding any person comW
<br />pr~s~ng an on premise agency employing individuals to watch, guard,
<br />or protect its own premises, property, or persons thereon.
<br />Unarmed securit officer. Any person engaged in the occupa-
<br />tion of watching, guarding or protecting property or persons, who
<br />does not have a firearm or other arms in his/her possession or
<br />readily accessible within any vehicle occupied by the person while
<br />so empl ayed.
<br />Uniform Business Practices
<br />Commercial Solicitor
<br />Commercial Solicitor. A person who goes from house to house
<br />or place to place, selling or taking orders or offering to se11 or
<br />take orders for goods or services for present or future delivery,
<br />or for the make ng, manufacturing, or repairing of an arti c1 a or
<br />thing for present or future delivery, except a person selling to
<br />merchants for resale. Commercial solicitors include:
<br />Persons selling or taking orders for the sale of fruits,
<br />Ordinance - 4
<br />