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ORDINANCE NO. 19746 <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS; AMENDING <br />SECTIONS 3.005, 3.045, 3.190, 3.192, 3.194, AND 3.196 <br />OF THE EUGENE CODE, 1971, REPEALING SECTION 3.198 OF <br />THAT CODE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY, <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. The definition of "Applicant" set forth under the Fire <br />Safety and Hazardous Materials Licensed Businesses definitions in Section <br />3.005 of the Eugene Code, 1971, is amended to provide: <br />3.005 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the following words <br />and phrases shall mean: <br />Licensed Businesses <br />Fire Safety_ and Hazardous,,,, Materials: <br />A l~~cant~. A person who~~~~~~appl ies for a permit. <br />Section 2. Subsection ~1} of Section 3.045 of the Eugene Code, 1911, <br />is amended to provide: <br />3.045 Business Licenses - Administrative Civil Penalt . <br />. ~1} In addition to, and not in lieu of any other enforcement mech- <br />anism authorized by this code, upon a determination by the city manager or <br />his/her designee that a person has violated a provision of this chapter, a <br />rule adopted hereunder,.or a condition imposed on a license issued hereunder, <br />the city manager or designee may impose upon the violator and/or any other <br />responsible person an administrative civil penalty as provided by section <br />2.018 of this code. For purposes of this subsection, a responsible person <br />means the violator and any licensee for whom the violator works in either an <br />independent contractor ar employee capacity. <br />Section 3. Section 3,198 of the Eugene Code, 1911 is repealed, and <br />Sections 3.190, 3,192, 3.194, and 3.196 of that Code are amended, to provide: <br />3.190 Hazardous Materials - License or Interim Permit Re aired. <br />~1} Prohibition. <br />~a} No person shall store, use, handle, manufacture, process, <br />d~ spense and/or d~ spose of any regulated hazardous material as de- <br />Ordinance - 1 <br />