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ORDINANCE N0. 19148 <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING PARKING REQUIREMENTS, AND AMENDING <br />SECTIONS 9.015, 9.586, AND 9.587 OF THE EUGENE CODE, 1971. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN A5 FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. Section 9.015 of the Eugene Cade, 1971, is amended by adding <br />definitions for "Subsidized housing" and 'Transitional/Emergency housing" in <br />alphabetical order therein, tv provide: <br />9.015 Definitions. As used in this chapter,. unless the context requires <br />otherwise, the fallowing words and phrases mean: <br />Subsidized,,,,housing, Permanent rental housing that ~1~ is owned <br />or operated by a governmental entity, ar ~2~ is inhabited by ten- <br />ants, the majority of whom receive regular rent subsidies from the <br />federal, state, or local government, or ~3} is constructed with <br />funds or below market financing from a governmental source or con- <br />structed on property donated or leased from a governmental entity, <br />or ~4~ is located on property currently or previously exempt from <br />the payment of city ad valorem real property taxes, in whole or in <br />part, under a city program to encourage the development or rehabil- <br />itation of housing, or ~5} is otherwise the recipient of substan- <br />tial financial assistance from a governmental entity in its con- <br />struction or operation. <br />Transitional emer enc housin . For parking purposes, multiple <br />family housing units with individual kitchens provided at no cost <br />or low cast for specified periods of time to families and indivi- <br />dual s i n crisis . Shelter services are accompanied by counseling <br />and referral services. <br />Section ~. Subsection ~a~11. of Section 9.586 of the Eugene Code, 1971, <br />is amended to provide: <br />9.586 Parki n.g Spaces Required. Unless specifically prescribed otherwise <br />elsewhere in this code, the number of off-street parking spaces <br />required sha11 be no less than as set forth i n the following: <br />Use Parkin S ace Re uired <br />~a~ Residential types <br />11. S ecial ized housin <br />a. Congregate care 1/2 space per unit <br />foci 1 i ti es fat ]east <br />Ordinance - 1 <br />