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Ordinance No. 19749
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 19749
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:46:33 PM
Creation date
1/29/2009 1:06:47 PM
Council Ordinances
Concerning downtown mall; amending 4.870,4.872, & 4.876; repealing Ord. #15907; adopting plan for mall redesign & reconstruction; providing for elector approval to open certain streets to vehicular traffic; & declaring an eff. date.
Approved Date
Jeffrey R. Miller
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ORDINANCE N0. 19749 <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE DOWNTOWN MALL; AMENDING <br />SECTIONS 4.810, 4.512, AND 4.515 OF THE EUGENE CODE, <br />1911; REPEALING ORDINANCE 15901; ADOPTING PLAN FOR <br />DOWNTOWN MALL REDESIGN AND RECONSTRUCTION; PROVIDING <br />FOR ELECTOR APPROVAL TO OPEN CERTAIN DOWNTOWN STREETS <br />TO VEHICULAR TRAFFIC; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />The City Council of the City of Eugene finds that: <br />A. Since mid-1989, City staff, the Downtown Commmission, and a Retail <br />Task Force appointed by the Downtown Commission have conducted numerous sur- <br />veys and held public meetings to evaluate and determine what action needs to <br />be taken to strengthen and revitalize the downtown mall. <br />B. The Council approved the Retail Task Force Final Report in July, <br />1990, and appointed~a~ Downtown Desig~n~Committee in August, 199o to work with <br />City staff and a consulting team to develop a downtown design project. <br />C. The Downtown Design Committee has submitted a report detailing a <br />plan for the redesign and reconstruction of the downtown mall. The Council <br />concludes that redesign and reconstruction of the downtown mall is an impor- <br />tant element of the City's overall strategy to revitalize the downtown. The <br />Council further concludes that the Report of the Design Committee establishes <br />a sound pi an far that redesign and reconstruction. A copy of the Downtown <br />Design Project Summary Report is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorpor- <br />ated herein by this reference. <br />D. The Council concludes that, if the voters approve the downtown <br />design as set forth in Exhibit A, then redesign and reconstruction of the <br />downtown mall should be conducted in a manner substantially consistent with <br />that design. The redesign and reconstruction will be undertaken on a <br />schedule that the Counci 1 approves as 1 ogi sti cai 1 y and financial 1 y feasible . <br />E . The proposed redesign and reconstruction of the downtown mall i n a <br />manner reasonably consistent with the downtown design as set forth in Exhibit <br />A requires amendments to the Eugene Code, 1911. Those amendments to the Code, <br />set forth below, and other policies of this Ordinance are consistent with <br />the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan and other applicable <br />planning pal i ci es as more particularly set forth i n the findings attached as <br />Exhibit Band incorporated herein by reference. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. The findings set forth above, and the findings set forth <br />in Exhibit B hereto are hereby adapted. <br />Section 2. The City Council hereby approves and adopts the Downtown <br />Des ~ gn Project Summary Report attached as Exh i bi t A hereto and ~ ncarporated <br />herein by reference. Approval of this Ordinance by the voters of the City <br />Ordinance - 1 <br />
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