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plan amendments is reversed, <br />Section 3. The Bethel-Danebo Rebnement Plan Diagram is amended by changing <br />the designation for the properly depicted an the map attached as Exhibit A hereto from <br />I.ow-Density Residential development to Mixed Use, <br />Section 4. The Bethel-Danebo Rehnement Plan Text is amended to describe the <br />nature and purpose of the mixed use designation for the property depicted on the map <br />attached as Exhibit A hereto as allowing a mixture of residential uses and non-residential <br />uses including video production, business support services, and limited related retail sales, <br />to be more particularly described at the time of Planning Commission and Council action <br />on the Mixed Use zoning district. <br />Passed by the City Council this <br />22nd day of April, 1991 <br />.t~~;~'~y City Recorder <br />Approved by the Mayor this <br />22nd day of April, 1991 <br />~f <br />~ ~ ,' -' <br />J ~~ <br />`~ ~~~ <br />r ?~ ~; <br />Mayor <br />ordinance - 2 <br />