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9.154 Apps i c_ati_o_n_,__ Fee, and Public Hearing No_t_i ce. <br />p p ~__~~.y~~ to the city shall submi t <br />~~~ ~ A party des ~ ri ng ~~~ t~o ~ annex ~ ro~ ert~ ~~ <br />an appl i cat i an for annexation and related information i n the manner pre- <br />scribed by the city, <br />~2} The application shall be accompanied by a fee as established <br />by the city manager as provided by section 2,oZ0 of this code. <br />~3} At least twenty days before the planning conuni ssion hearing, <br />the city shat 1 mai 1 a noti ce thereof to the applicant, al 1 owners and occu- <br />pants of property included in the application, and owners and occupants of <br />properties located within 300 feet of the perimeter of the subject property. <br />At 1 east ten days prior to the hearing, the city shall also post notices of <br />the hearing i n at least three 1 ocati ons within 300 feet of the perimeter of <br />the annexation proposal. <br />9.I5fi lnvestigatio,n and,,,,,,,,Re,port. The planning staff shall investigate <br />the facts bearing upon an application, prepare a report, and sub- <br />mit it to the planning commission for consideration no 1 ater than seven days <br />prior to the public hearing. A copy of the report shall be mailed or deliv- <br />ered to the applicant at the time i t i s delivered to the commission. <br />9.158 Public Hearin <br />~ 1 } Unless the applicant agrees to a 1 onger time period, wi th i n <br />fi0 days of receipt of a complete and accurate annexation application, the <br />planning commission shat l hol d a publ i c hearing thereon. <br />~ 2 } The corr~i s s i an s hal 1 review the application and receive per- <br />tinent evidence and testimony as to why or how the proposed annexation is <br />consistent with the following required criteria; <br />~ a} The property i s inside the urban growth boundary and <br />annexation waul d be consistent with adopted plans and policies . <br />~ b} Public services and f ac i 1 i t i es can be provided as pre- <br />scri bed i n the Metropal i tan Area General Plan, applicable ref i ne- <br />ment plans, or applicable special area studies, <br />~c} Annexation wi 11 resu1 t i n a boundary i n which services <br />can be provided in an orderly, efficient, and timely manner, <br />9.160 P1 ann i ng Commission Decision . <br />1 } Unless the ~~~a~p~p~~i cant agrees to a postponement, within 15 days <br />f al 1 owi ng the close of the public hearing and the record, the planning com- <br />mi ss i on shall deny the application or recommend approval of the annexat i an to <br />the counci 1 i n its original or modified form. The decision shall be support- <br />ed by adopted findings and conclusions, and shall be based on the cri teri a <br />i n section 9.158. <br />~2} A notice of the commission's decision shall be mailed within <br />five days of the decision to the applicant, and persons who requested notice <br />of the decision, <br />~3} Unless appealed, the commission's decision to deny an annexa- <br />ti on i s final on the e1 eventh day after notice of the decision i s mai 1 ed, <br />Ordinance - 34 <br />