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or adjacent property. <br />~c} The member has a di rect personal interest i n the matter <br />or for any other reason cannot participate i n the hearing and deci - <br />sion impartially. <br />~3} Because of the importance of preserving public confidence <br />i n decisions made by the hearings body a member of that body may elect to <br />abstain from a , part i cul ar, heari ng when i n fact the member i s not disqualified <br />but simply desires to avoid the mere appearance of partiality. Abstention <br />in such an instance shall be solely a matter of the member's own judgment. <br />A member who feels that abstention may be necessary or desirable under th i s <br />sect i an shal 1 seek the advice of the body and then state the member' s <br />decision and the reasons therefor. <br />~4} No other officer or employee of the city who has a financial <br />or ather private interest i n a matter before the body may participate i n <br />d~ scuss~ on of the matter w~ th, or g~ ve an official api ni on on the matter <br />to, the body without first declaring for the record the nature and extent <br />of that interest. <br />~5} At the commencement of the hearing on a matter, members of <br />the hearings body shall reveal all ex parts contacts they have had about the <br />matter in the manner provided in section 2.396~b}. If the contacts have not <br />impaired the member's impartiality, the member shall so state that fact and <br />participate or abstain i n accordance with subsection ~3 } of this section . <br />~ fi } Notw~ thstand i ng any other rule, an abstaining or disqualified <br />member shall constitute part of a quorum and may represent the member's <br />interest at a hearing, provided the member joins the audience, makes full <br />disclosure of the member's status and position when addressing the body and <br />abstains fram discussion and from voting on the matter as a member of the <br />body . <br />~1} Di squal i f i cati an for ,reasons set forth i n subsecti an ~2} of <br />this section may be ordered by a majority of the members of the hearings <br />body present at the hearing. The member who is the subject of the motion <br />for disqualification may not vote on the motion. <br />~8} If all members of the body abstain or are disqualified and con- <br />sequently cannot reach a deci s i on wh i 1 e so abstaining or disqualified, al 1 <br />members present, after stating their reasons for abstention or disqua1ifica- <br />t~ on, shat 1 by so dog ng be requal i fed and proceed to resolve the issues, un- <br />1ess such participation violates state or federal 1 aw or the city charter. <br />~9} A member absent during the presentation of any evidence <br />in a hearing may not participate in the deliberations or final decision <br />regarding the matter of the hearing unless he ar she has reviewed the <br />evidence received . <br />2.395 uasi -Judicial Heari n s -Burden of Proof. The burden of proof i s <br />upon the proponent, applicant, or moving party. A deci s i on to re- <br />sol ve the ~ ssues presented shal 1 be based upon reliable, probative, and sub- <br />stanti al evidence i n the whole record. <br />2.395 uasi -Judi ci a1 Heari n s -Order of Procedure. The Ares i di n of f i - <br />. 9 <br />cer ~ n the conduct of the heari ng shall <br />~a} Commence the Hearin . Announce the nature and pur ose <br />of the he p <br />are ng and summary ze the rut es for ~ is conduct. The pre- <br />Ordinance - 4 <br />