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fib} Posting notice of the hearing i n at 1 east three 1 ocati ons <br />within 30o feet of the perimeter of the subject property. <br />fi Deci s i an. Unless the applicant agrees to a 1 onger time period, <br />~} <br />the hearings official shall approve, conditionally approve, or deny a tenta- <br />tive lan application with findings and conclusions thereon, within ~5 days <br />p ~ 'thin five da s <br />following the close of the publ ~ c hears ng and the record. W~ y <br />after the decision is rendered, the hearings official shall mail a notice <br />thereof to the applicant, coordinator, and persons who have requested noti - <br />f i cati on . Decisions pertaining to a parti cul ar phase shall include review <br />and reco n i ti on of the entire development. Decisions i n all phases shal 1 be <br />g . <br />based on the fol 1 owe ng cry tern a: <br />~ a} The proposed development i s consistent with related <br />policies and development standards in applicable, adopted neigh- <br />borhood refinement pl ons and special area studies. <br />~ b} The proposed development i s consistent with the Metra- <br />po1 itan Area General Plan ~ I } applicable 1 and use references, <br />~ 2 } text related to the development, and ~3 } specific elements <br />related to the development, <br />~c } The proposed development's general design and character, <br />including but not 1 imi ted to anticipated bui 1 di ng 1 ocati ons, bul k <br />and height, location and distribution of recreation space, park- <br />i ng, roads, access and other uses, will ; <br />1. Be set back or screened as necessary to ensure pri - <br />vacy to adjoining properties, and <br />2. Avoid unnecessary disruption or removal of attractive <br />natural features and vegetation, and <br />3. When feasible, disperse motor traffic from planned <br />unit developments of 20 or more dwellings onto more than one <br />local street, and <br />4. Avoid conversion of natural resource areas designated <br />i n the Metropolitan Area General P1 an to urban uses when al - <br />ternative locations on the property are suitable for deve1op- <br />. meat as otherwise permitted . <br />~d} Public services and foci 1 i ti es are avai 1 abl a to the site. <br />If the public services and foci 1 i ties are not presently available, <br />an affirmative finding may be made i f evi Bence indicates that they <br />wi l 1 be avai 1 abl a prior to need by reason of <br />1. Prior commitment of public funds or planning by the <br />appropriate public agencies, or <br />2. A commitment by the applicant to provide private <br />. services and foci 1 i ti es acceptable to the appropriate pub1 i c <br />agencies, or <br />3. Commitment by the applicant to pravi de for off - <br />sett i ng al 1 added public costs or early commitment of publ i c <br />funds made necessary by the Bevel opment. <br />fie} Deve1 opments must provide for solar access to 1 ots and <br />south-facing bui 1 di ng wall s at noon an December 21 as specified i n <br />sections 9.510 and 9.535. <br />~f } Proposed bui 1 di ngs, road, and other uses are designed <br />and sited to assure preservation of significant on -site vegetation, <br />topographic features, and other unique and worthwhile natural fea- <br />tures, and to prevent soil erns i on or f 1 and hazard. <br />fig} There will be adequate on-site provision for utility ser- <br />Ordinance - 40 <br />