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9.516 Final Plan Consideration. <br />t 2 } Notice . Within ten days of receipt of a compl ete and accurate <br />appl i cati vn, but no less than ten days before the planning director makes a <br />decision, the city shall mai 1 a notice of the request to persons who have re- <br />quested notice of the final plan application . <br />~3 } Planning ^ Di rector Decision. Un1 ess the applicant agrees to a <br />1 onger time period, the planning director shat 1 approve, conditionally <br />approve, or deny a f i na1 p1 an application, with findings and conclusions <br />thereon, within 30 days of receipt of a complete and accurate application. <br />Approval shat 1 i ncl ude a f i nd i ng that final plans conform with approved ten - <br />tati ve plans, conditions attached thereto, and appl i abl a city standards . <br />Within five days of ter a dec i s i an i s rendered ; <br />~a} When the decision on the final plan application involves <br />interpretation of the terms or conditions of the approved tenta- <br />tive plan or of the provisions of applicable city standards, or the <br />exercise of factual , policy, or legal judgment, a noti ce of the de- <br />ci si on and of the opportunity to appeal shall be mai 1 ed to the <br />applicant, coordinator, persons who have requested notification, <br />and Owners and occupants of property 1 ocated within 100 feet of <br />the subject property. The decision is appealable as provided in <br />subsections ~6} and ~7} of this section. <br />fib} Unless paragraph ~a} of this subsection i s applicable, <br />a notice of the decision shall be mai 1 ed to the applicant, coordi - <br />nator, and persons who have requested notification. The planning <br />director's decision is final. <br />~5} Effective date. Unless appealed, a decision rendered under <br />subsecti an ~3} ~a} of this section becomes effective on the eleventh day <br />after notice of the decision i s mai 1 ed. A deci lion rendered under subsection <br />~3}fib} of this section becomes effective upon mailing notice of the decision. <br />~6} A eals. Within ten days of the date of mailing notice of a <br />planning director's decision rendered under subsection ~ 3 } ~ a } of this section , <br />i t may be appealed to the hearings official by the owner, appl i cant, a party, <br />an adversely affected person, or a person entitled to notice under subsection <br />~3} of this section. The appeal shat 1 be on a farm prescribed by the city <br />and must state specifically how the planning director fai 1 ed to properly <br />eval ute the proposed final plan or make a deci si on consistent with approval <br />criteria. <br />~1} 14ppeal Hearing. <br />~ a } Unless the applicant and appellant agree to a 1 onger time <br />period, the hearings official shall hol d a publ i c evidentiary hear- <br />ing on the appeal within 45 days of receipt. The hearing notice <br />and procedures shat 1 conform with the requirements for quasi - <br />judicial hearings provided in sections 2.394 to 2.400 of this code. <br />At 1 east 20 days prior to the hearing, the city shall mail notice <br />thereof to the applicant, appellant, persons who requested notice <br />of the tentative or final plan decisian, and persons entitled to <br />notice under subsection ~ 3 } of this section . <br />~ b} Unless the applicant and appellant agree to a l onger time <br />period, the hearings official shall render a deci s i on within 15 <br />days of the close Of the hearing and record and within five days <br />thereafter mai 1 a noti ce of the decision to the applicant, appel - <br />lant, and persons who have requested notification, The hearings <br />Ordinance - 42 <br />