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ORDINANCE NO. I~~3~ <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE RIVER <br />ROAD/SANTA CLARA URBAN FACILITIES PLAN <br />REGARDING IMPLEMENTATION OF THE RIVER <br />ROAD/RAILROAD BOULEVARD SUBAREA STUDY. <br />The City Council of the City of Eugene finds as follows: <br />1. In May, 1987, the Eugene City Council adopted the <br />River Road/Santa Clara Urban Facilities Plan ~Plan~ as a <br />refinement to the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area <br />General Plan. The Plan was also adopted by Springfield and <br />Lane County in 1987. <br />2. A recommendation in the Plan calls for an <br />e~aminativn of land uses in the vicinity of the Chambers <br />Connector, once the impacts of this highway improvement are <br />known, <br />3. In response to this recommendation, in November, <br />1987 the Eugene City Council directed staff to undertake a <br />study of land uses in the River Road/Railroad Boulevard area. <br />4. Public meetings on the study were held in the River <br />Road area on April 13, May 9, and May 23, 1988, with notice <br />mailed tv all residents and property owners within the study <br />area boundaries. <br />5. The Eugene Planning Commission held a public <br />hearing on the subarea study on June 7, 1988, and on July 5, <br />1988 adopted recommendations for implementation of the study <br />by amending the Plan. <br />6. The Lane County Planning Commission held a public <br />hearing on the subarea study and adopted recommendations for <br />amending the Plan vn November 15, 1988. <br />7. The Lane County Board of Commissioners held a <br />public hearing on the subarea study on February 8, 1989, and <br />adopted amendments to the Plan on May 24, 1989. <br />8. The Council has considered the recommendations <br />received from the Planning Commission and the actions taken <br />by the other metropolitan area jurisdictions, The Council <br />finds that amendments to the Plan are needed to provide <br />additional guidance for land uses in the River Road/Railroad <br />Boulevard subarea, and to clarify the original intent of the <br />Plan. <br />9. Based on the recommendation of the Planning <br />Commission, public testimony at the Council's August 14, 1989 <br />Ordinance ~- 1 <br />