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2.247 Tree Commission - Duties. The duties of the tree commissian in mak- <br />ing and submitting its recommendations with respect to the city's <br />program far preservation, enhancement and maintenance of the city's urban <br />forest shall include, but not be limited to: <br />~a} Providing assistance in the development of the Urban <br />Forestry Master Plan, and after its adoption, assistance in <br />periodic reviews and updates of the plan. <br />fib} Reviewing the city's annual arboricultural budget. <br />,~c} Reviewing plans and policies developed pursuant to other <br />provisions of this code that contain elements of or affect matters <br />related to urban forestry and arboricultural concerns. <br />~d} Assisting parks, recreation and cultural services in <br />educating and raising the public's awareness regarding the value <br />and s~gn~f~cance of a healthy and diversified urban forest. <br />2.249 Tree commissian - Membershi , Term of Office, <br />~~} The tree commission shall consist of nine members, nominated <br />by the mayor and appointed by the council, and composed of: <br />~a} One representative from the joint parks committee; <br />fib} one representative from the planning commission; <br />~c} One neighborhood organization officer; <br />~d} One representative from the Eugene Water & Electric <br />Board; and <br />fie} Five citizens. <br />. ~2} All members shall be selected an the basis of their prior <br />interest ~n the city's urban forest. The five citizen members shall be <br />representative of the following areas of expertise: landscape architecture, <br />nurseryman or horticultural specialist, forester, arboriculture service, <br />developer and/or real estate profession, and other related fields from the <br />tree management profession. <br />~3} The members from the joint parks committee, planning commis- <br />sion, EWEB and neighborhood group shall serve for a two year term. The ini- <br />tial terms fvr citizen members sha]1 be staggered, with one member a ointed <br />,PP <br />for a one year term, two appointed for two year terms, and two appointed for <br />three year terms. The assignment of these initial terms shall be determined <br />by alphabetical order. Thereafter, each citizen member shall serve for a <br />term of three years from the date of his ar her appointment. <br />~4} Vacancies in office shall be filled in the same manner as <br />original appointments, far the unexpired term of the predecessor member. A <br />vacancy shall occur upon: <br />~a} The death of a member; <br />~ b} Termination of a member's term; <br />~c} Removal of a member by an affirmative vote of the <br />council; ar <br />~d} Voluntary resignation of a member. <br />2.25 Tree Commission -Officers, Meetin s, Rules and Procedures. <br />~1} The officers of the tree commission shall consist of a chair <br />and a vice-chair, elected by the members of the commission. The chair sha]1 <br />preside over meetings of the commission and shall have the right to vote. <br />The vice-chair shall perform the duties of the chair in the absence or dis- <br />Ordinance - 2 <br />