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ORDINANCE No. 19654 <br />AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING A MaRAT4RIUM oN THE <br />ISSUANCE aF CERTAIN SIGN PERMITS. <br />The City Council of the City of Eugene finds as follows: <br />1. The Eugene Planning Cammissian is considering <br />recommendations on revisions to the Eugene Sign Code. One of <br />the recommendations under consideration would require a <br />limitation on the number of issued sign permits for <br />billboards, electronic message enters and flashing signs. <br />These categories of signs are the most noticeable types of <br />signs and have a great adverse impact compared to other <br />types of signs on the visual environment and safety of <br />drivers and pedestrians in the City. <br />2. Because of the effects of such signage on the <br />aesthetics of the city and the safety of its residents, it <br />may be necessary to limit the number of these signs within <br />the city. The number of issued permits for billboards, <br />electronic message centers, and flashing signs is increasing. <br />The rate at which applications for such permits have been <br />submitted has increased. <br />3. Further time is needed to study the effects of the <br />increased signage. At same point an excessive amount of <br />these signs will cause serious public harm. This harm <br />consists of a less attractive visual environments making the <br />City a less desirable place to reside or do business, and <br />creation of a more unsaf e environment for drivers and <br />Ordinance -~ 1 <br />