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official. At the time and place specified therein, a hearings official heard <br />all evidence and argument presented, has fully considered the same, and no <br />remonstrances having been filed, has reported his or her adopted findings to <br />the City Council. <br />The Council has reviewed and considered the assessment report of the <br />City Engineer and Finance Officer and the hearings official's findings and <br />summary of the hearing, and based thereon, <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLO~IS: <br />Section 1. The Summary of the hearing conducted by the hearings <br />official are hereby made apart of the Council's record in these proceedings, <br />and the hearings official's findings, including those regarding compliance <br />with Sections 7.16D to 1,190 of the Eugene Cade, 1911, attached hereto as <br />Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference, are hereby adopted. <br />Section 2. The actual cost of the local improvement comprising paving, <br />curbs, gutters, and sidewalks on ~fiickory Avenue from Garden way to 14o feet <br />west south one-half of Hickory only} is $14,33~.b8 which is hereby assessed <br />against the parcels of property hereinafter described in the amounts set <br />opposite, respectively. <br />Section 3. The City Council does hereby determine and assess each lot <br />and part of lot being within the described local improvement district as set <br />forth an the assessment roll attached as Exhibit C hereto and incorporated <br />herein by reference. <br />Section 4. The City Council does hereby determine that each parcel of <br />land or lot hereinabove described is specially benefitted to the extent of the <br />assessment set forth. The Finance Officer shall give notice of the assess- <br />ments to the owners of the assessed parcels advising them the assessment may <br />ORDINANCE - 3 <br />