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HB 2246 <br />Relating Clause: Relating to the consumption of alcoholic liquor by underage persons. <br />Title: <br />States conditions under which parent or guardian may give or otherwise make alcoholic <br />liquor available to person under 21 years of age. Exempts person exercising control over <br />private residence from liability for allowing use of property by person under age of 21 years <br />to consume alcoholic liquor supplied by accompanying parent or guardian. <br />Sponsored by: Governor Theodore R. Kulongoski for Oregon Liquor Control Commission <br />URL: <br />ContactRespondentDept Updated Priority Policy Poli Numb Recommendation <br />Ellwood Cushman EPD-ADM 1/24/2009 Pri 3 No No Support <br />Comments: <br />We support this bill, introduced by the Governor at the request of the OLCC, which restricts <br />the exception in which parents may supply alcoholic beverages to their minor children to <br />situations where this occurs in a private residence and where the parent is accompanying <br />the minor. This ensures that the parent is present to actually monitor and potentially assert <br />appropriate control over the extent to which his/her child is consuming alcohol. It also <br />provides an exception to the responsibility of the person in control of the private residence <br />in such situations (since the juvenile's parent is present). <br />HB 2263 <br />Relating Clause: Relating to kidnapping. <br />Title: <br />Expands kidnapping in first degree to include kidnapping with purpose of committing sex <br />crime against victim who is under 12 years of age. <br />Sponsored by: Attorney General Hardy Myers for Department of Justice <br />URL: <br />RespondentDept Updated Priority Policy Poli Numb Recommendation <br />Contact <br />E. Cushman C. Tilby EPD-ADM 1/26/2009 Pri 2 No No Support <br />Comments: <br />We definitely support this bill for the protection of young children, particularly those that <br />cannot fight back effectively. It is often difficult to argue that the offense should be Kidnap I <br />under the old definition because it required a showing that the intent was to cause physical <br />injury. This expands the law to treat a kidnapping as Kidnap I if the victim is younger than <br />12 years of age, and it can be proven that the purpose of the kidnapping was to further the <br />commission or attempted commission of rape, sodomy, or unlawful sexual penetration. <br />HB 2265 <br />Relating Clause: Relating to search warrants. <br />Title: <br />Provides that search warrant authorizing seizure of items from corporation or limited <br />partnership may be executed in manner provided by Oregon Rules of Civil Procedure for <br />service of summons. <br />Sponsored by: Attorney General Hardy Myers for Department of Justice <br />URL: <br />ContactRespondentDept Updated Priority Policy Poli Numb Recommendation <br />E. Cushman C. Tilby EPD-ADM 1/26/2009 Pri 2 No No Support <br />Comments: <br />Given the number of times we need to serve warrants on corporations and limited <br />partnerships, this is a good bill that allows service using the alternative methods since it is <br />not feasible to use normal search warrant procedures with such large entities. While this <br />may not be a frequent problem, when working larger cases involving money laundering, <br />ponzy schemes and identity theft this removes a barrier for search warrant service on <br />10 <br /> <br />