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Support and monitor for amendments. The development of an effective cap and trade system would be an <br />important step towards implementing carbon reduction targets. The Eugene/Springfield waste water plant is <br />currently the only city facility that would be initially required to report on emissions but others could be required. <br />SB 0101 <br />Relating Clause: Relating to greenhouse gas. <br />Title: <br />Makes legislative findings regarding global warming and electricity. Requires State <br />Department of Energy to establish greenhouse gas emissions performance standard for <br />generating facilities that produce baseload electricity. <br /> Prohibits electricity provider from entering into long-term financial commitment unless <br />generating facility complies with greenhouse gas emissions performance standard. <br />Prohibits Public Utility Commission from approving long-term financial commitment <br />by electric company unless generating facility complies with greenhouse gas emissions <br />performance standard. Requires State Department of Energy to ensure consumer-owned <br />utility complies with greenhouse gas emissions performance standard. <br /> Modifies definition of 'energy facility' for purposes of regulation of energy facilities. <br />Modifies circumstances in which site certificate not required. <br />Sponsored by: Governor Theodore R. Kulongoski for State Department of Energy <br />URL: <br />ContactRespondentDept Updated Priority Policy Poli Numb Recommendation <br />Felicity Fahy Felicity Fahy CS-CMO 1/26/2009 Pri 3 Yes VII. A1 Support <br />Comments: <br />I agree with Ethan. <br />ContactRespondentDept Updated Priority Policy Poli Numb Recommendation <br />Ethan Nelson Ethan Nelson PDD-BPS 1/26/2009 Pri 3 Yes VII. A1 Support <br />Comments: <br />The City should support this legislation. SB 101 directs the Oregon Department of Energy <br />to establish rules on the production of greenhouse gas emissions from utilities producing <br />baseload electricity. These rules will be for all electric utilities including municipal owned <br />and cooperatives. <br />The emission standard is based on combined cycle natural gas generation, which will <br />benefit all production sources that are cleaner and penalize those that have higher GHG <br />emissions (e.g. coal fired plants). <br />The rules level the market by requiring the PUC to approve all long term financial <br />commitments that comply with the standard. Those that don’t meet the standard will not be <br />approved. This should increase the development of renewable and clean energy <br />generation for Oregon markets. <br />Eugene’s power profile includes a nominal amount of high GHG emitting generation <br />sources; therefore there may be a slight rate increase over time for any purchases of coal <br />fired power. <br />SB 0103 <br />Relating Clause: Relating to fees for air contamination sources; declaring an emergency. <br />Title: <br />Allows Environmental Quality Commission to establish schedule of fees for registration of <br />classes of air contamination sources. <br />Specifies basis for fees. <br /> Declares emergency, effective on passage. <br />Sponsored by: Governor Theodore R. Kulongoski for Department of Environmental Quality <br />URL: <br />ContactRespondentDept Updated Priority Policy Poli Numb Recommendation <br />Peter Ruffier Peter Ruffier PWW 1/26/2009 Pri 3 Yes YesVII. B2 Monitor <br />18 <br /> <br />