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Allows surcharge on certain fees collected by Department of Transportation for <br />reinstatement of driving privileges. Provides that surcharge be in amount determined by <br />department to be necessary to pay costs of implementing Act. <br />Sponsored by: Attorney General Hardy Myers for Attorney Generals Underage Drinking Task Force <br />URL: <br />ContactRespondentDept Updated Priority Policy Poli Numb Recommendation <br />E Cushman S. Kamkar EPD-ADM 1/26/2009 Pri 2 Yes V. C1 Oppose <br />Comments: <br />***Oppose as written; support if appropriately amended.*** <br />We support the concept of this bill, introduced at the request of the Attorney General's <br />Underage Drinking Task Force, to help reduce underage drinking by allowing for the <br />suspension of the driving privileges of an individual who is cited for being a minor who <br />purchases, attempts to purchase, acquires, or possesses an alcoholic beverage. We <br />oppose the bill in its current form because Section 2 of the bill *requires* that, if a police <br />officer cites a person for this violation, the officer *must* initiate the DL suspension process. <br />This is essentially the same process that an officer initiates for an impaired driver, and is <br />fairly time-consuming. This mandate is simply impractical in some cases, such as at a <br />party situation where officers are dealing with numerous individuals. And it may also be <br />impractical on a busy night where the officer must minimize his/her time on a call involving <br />a minor in possession of alcohol because of other pressing calls for service. The net result <br />will be that there will be situations in which, if this bill is enacted as written, the officer will <br />simply not take enforcement action at all for the alcohol violation because of the <br />requirement that, if s/he does so, s/he must also go through the driver's license suspension <br />process. <br />There is another drain on officer time (and an expense to the City) of officers being required <br />to appear at administrative hearings where the person contests the suspension. This bill is <br />arguably an unfunded mandate on local law enforcement. <br />If Section 2 of the bill were amended to make this something that the officer *can* do--- <br />rather than something s/he *must* do---we would support this bill. This would allow officers <br />discretion to determine, in each individual circumstance, whether to take this additional step <br />or not, depending on the amount of time s/he has to devote to this incident and his/her <br />assessment of whether this individual needs the additional incentive to comply with the law. <br />The needed amendments could easily be made by these changes on page 1 of the bill: <br />Line 12, change "shall give" to "may give"; Line 17, change "shall issue" to "may issue." <br />We believe that, with this change, the bill could become a valuable tool to fight underage <br />drinking. <br />Note: This bill is very similar to SB 208, except that SB 208 applies to those individuals 15- <br />20 years of age. <br />SB 0230 <br />Relating Clause: Relating to monetary obligations imposed as result of conviction. <br />Title: <br />Modifies method by which court clerk credits payments of monetary obligations imposed as <br />result of conviction. <br />Sponsored by: Attorney General Hardy Myers for Attorney Generals Restitution Reform Task Force <br />URL: <br />ContactRespondentDept Updated Priority Policy Poli Numb Recommendation <br />Char Mauch CS-MUNI 1/22/2009 Pri 3 Support <br />Comments: <br />This change enables Municipal Court to disburse funds as our court management system <br />allows. We are currently not able to correctly disburse these funds due to system <br />constraints. <br />22 <br /> <br />