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Ordinance No. 19300
City of Eugene
1980s No. 18550-19659
Ordinance No. 19300
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:44:01 PM
Creation date
2/11/2009 1:06:41 PM
Council Ordinances
Concerning historic landmarks; amending Sections 2.403, 2.404, 2.405, 2.406, 2.407, 2.408, 2.409, 2.410, 2.411, 2.412, 9.488, 9.489, 9.490 and 9.608 of the Eugene Code, 1971; and declaring an emergency.
Approved Date
Barbara Keller
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~c} Written assurance that the proposed work will be completed <br />during the fiscal year in which the application is approved and <br />that the historic landmark will otherwise be permanently main- <br />tained; <br />~d} Written assurance that the historic landmark will not be <br />moved or demolished for five years following the date on which <br />the loan is approved; <br />fie} Written assurance that real property taxes and other <br />assessments have either been lawfully deferred or will be paid in <br />full during the year in which the loan is approved; <br />(f} such other information as the Eugene Development Depart <br />ment may require. <br />~3} The~Eugene Development Department director or his/her designee <br />shall determine whether to approve in full, approve in part, or reject each <br />application far a revolving fund loan and may establish a maximum annual <br />loan amount per application. In any event, revolving fund loos to qualified <br />applicants shall be made in whatever manner is established by the Eugene <br />Development Department, <br />~4} Prior to the disbursement of loan funds, the loan recipient <br />shall execute a promissory Hate in favor of the city which states in addi- <br />tion to any other loan terms that all funds received from the city shall be <br />be immediately repaid upon removal of historic landmark designation and <br />shall provide such security for performance of the note as shall be required. <br />~5} Disbursement of the approved sum shall be made by the finance <br />director upon submission of proof that the repair, maintenance, or restora- <br />tion has been completed in accordance with approved plans. <br />H Historic District <br />9.488 Pur ose. ~t is anticipated that certain buildings, structures, <br />other physical objects, including their sites, and certain <br />geographic areas will qualify for designation as historic landmarks, ~t is <br />intended that the H Historic District be selectively used, and only after <br />determination by the hearings official or planning commission that an <br />historic 1 andmark merits special regulations not otherwise possible i n <br />other zoning districts so that uses permitted will encourage restoration and <br />preservation of its unique and distinctive qualities while assuring compati- <br />bility with the surrounding neighborhood. <br />9.489 Crtiteria for Establishment of an H Historic District. before <br />an historic landmark is rezoned H Historic District, in addition <br />to normal findings required far a zone change, the hearings official or <br />planning commission shall make specific findings that: <br />~a} An H Historic District is required to provide uses <br />that will encourage renovation and preservation of the historic <br />landmark. <br />fib} The permitted uses and development standards applied <br />will promote the objectives of the General Plan and other <br />applicable city policies. <br />~c} Permitted uses will be compatible with the surrounding <br />Ordinance - 9 <br />
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