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TEN CDM -~ tenants in common <br />T'EN ENT -- as tenants by the entireties <br />JT TES ~-- as joint tenants with right of survivorship <br />~REGDN <br />(Minors Name) <br />and not as tenants in cammon <br />CUSTODIANS use the following <br />COST UL DREG <br />as custodian under the laws of Oregon <br />MIN <br />for <br />Additional abbreviations may alsa be used though nat in the list above. <br />Section 5. Sale. The Finance Officer shall cause to be published <br />a notice of sale, in the manner provided by DRS 281.014 to 287.025, in at <br />least two ~2~ issues of the Eugene Register Guard, a newspaper of general <br />circulation, printed and published within the City of Eugene, Lane County, <br />Oregon and a summary thereof, once in the Daily Journal of Commerce, a <br />newspaper of general circulation, printed and published within the City <br />of Portland, Multnomah Caunty, Oregon, which notice shall call for sealed, <br />written bids far the purchase of said bonds to be presented and filed with <br />the Deputy Finance Officer at his office in the City Hall of the City on or <br />prior to the hour of 11:00 a.m., Pacific Time, on the 13th day of March 1985, <br />at which time and place said bids shall be publicly opened for consideration <br />and further that the Council of the City of Eugene will meet at the hour of <br />12:00 Noon, Pacific Time, on the 13th day of March, 1985, in the Council <br />Chamber in the City Hall of the City to consider the bids so opened and to <br />accept or reject any bid sa made. The notice of sale shall further state that <br />the bonds will be said to the bidder offering the lowest true interest cost <br />to the City for not less than one hundred percent X100%} of par with <br />accrued interest, and that each bid sha11 be accompanied by a certified or <br />cashier's check on a solvent commercial bank in the State of aregon in an <br />amount equal to two percent ~2~~ of the par value of the bonds offered far <br />sale as evidence of good faith on the part of the bidder, <br />Section 6. Emer ency. This ordinance being necessary for the <br />immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety of the City of <br />Eugene, in order to obtain sufficient funds to pay for public improvements, <br />an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance sha11 be in full <br />force and effect immediately upon its passage by the Council and approval <br />by the Mayor. <br />PASSED by the unanimous vote of the Council, with a quorum in <br />attendance, this 23rd day of January, 1985. <br />APPRD~JED by the Mayor this 23rd r~~v of ,lan~~arv 1AR~ <br />ATTEST <br />~~~. ~_ <br />~s~~ Recorder <br />A <br />Page 6 -~ Ordinance <br />