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ORDINANCE No. 19313 <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE REFINANCING OF <br />THE EUGENE CONFERENCE CENTER; AUTHORIZING <br />E~ECUTIDN DF DOCUMENTS; AND DECLARING AN <br />EMERGENCY. <br />Pursuant to ordinance No. 18777,adopted by the City Counc~.l of <br />the City of Eugene, Oregon on April 15, 1981, the City of Eugene, <br />Oregon 4the "City"} authorized the execution of an Indenture of <br />Trust, Lease-Purchase Agreement, Intergovernmental Agreement and <br />other documents. relating to the financing of the City of Eugene <br />Conference Center. Thereafter, First Interstate Bank of Dreg~on, <br />N.A., as Trustee under the Indenture of Trust dated as of <br />June 1, 1981, executed Certificates O.f Participation in the Lease <br />Purchase Agreement dated as of June ~., 1981 between the City and <br />the Trustee in the aggregate principal amount of $6,920,000 <br />~"Series 1981 Certificates"}. The principal amount of $6,765,400 <br />of the Series 1981 Certificates remains outstanding. <br />Oregon Revised Statutes 288.605 to 2$8.690, inclusive, <br />authorize the issuance of advance refunding bonds, without an <br />election, in order to effect a savings to a public body discounted <br />to present value. Significant savings in debt service may be <br />obtained by advance refunding the Series 1981 Certificates. <br />An Advance Refunding Plan for the Series 1981 Certificates has <br />been submitted the Oregon State Treasurer. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, to reduce debt service of the Series 1981 <br />Certificates resulting in cost savings for the benefit of the <br />people of the City of Eugene, Oregon, and subject to the final <br />approval and authorization of the Oregon State Treasurer to the <br />Advance Refunding Plan, it is necessary and desirable for the City <br />of Eugene, Oregon to approve of the issuance and sale of Advance <br />Refunding Certificates of Participation in the amount of <br />NOW, THEREFORE, THE PEGPLE OF THE CITY DF EUGENE, OREGON <br />ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. Issuance of Advance Refunding Bonds. The City <br />Council of the City of Eugene, Oregon does hereby approve of the <br />issuance and sale of $ of advance refunding <br />certificates of participation the "Advance Refunding <br />Certificates"}. The Advance Refunding Certificates are to be <br />issued for the purpose of providing for the payment and retirement <br />of the Certificates of Participation, Series 1981, the "Series <br />1981 Certificates"} and to pay the costs of issuance of the Advance <br />Refunding Certificates. The Advance Refunding Certificates shall <br />be serial negotiable advance refunding certificates of <br />ORDINANCE - PAGE 1. <br />