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Ordinance No. 19313
City of Eugene
1980s No. 18550-19659
Ordinance No. 19313
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:44:04 PM
Creation date
2/11/2009 1:31:21 PM
Council Ordinances
An ordinance concerning the refinancing of the Eugene Conference Center; authorizing execution of documents; and declaring an emergency.
Approved Date
Brian B. Obie
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authorized by the Refunding Indenture are payable as to principal, <br />premium, if any, and interest solely out of the Rental Payments <br />under the Lease-Purchase Agreement, as amended, between the Trustee <br />and the City, and the Special Trust Funds as defined in the <br />Refunding Indenture. Neither the Refunding Certificates nor the <br />Refunding Indenture constitute a debt or a pledge of the faith and <br />credit of the Trustee. Payments sufficient for the prompt payment, <br />when due, of the principal of, hand] premium, if any, ~ and interest <br />on} the Refunding Certificates are required by the Refunding <br />Indenture to be paid from the Rental Payments to the Trustee from <br />the City. <br />In the event of default a Registered Owner of this Refunding <br />Certificate shall have the right to institute any suit, action or <br />proceeding at law or in equity for the enforcement of the Lease <br />Agreement, the Refunding Indenture, or any remedy thereunder. <br />The Trustee may, without the consent of or notice to the <br />Registered owners, enter into supplemental indentures for the <br />purposes of curing any defect in the Refunding Indenture; <br />conferring additional rights on the Trustee for the benefit of the <br />Registered owners; or subjecting additional revenues to the lien of <br />the Refunding Indenture. <br />If an event of default, as defined in the Refunding Indenture <br />shall occur, the principal of this Refunding Certificate and all <br />certificates secured by the Refunding Indenture then issued and <br />outstanding may be declared due and payable in the manner and with <br />the effect as provided by the Refunding Indenture, but subject to <br />waiver of such default as provided in the Refunding indenture. <br />The obligations of the City under the Lease Agreement may be <br />discharged upon the making of provision for the payment of the <br />Refunding Certificates on the terms and conditions set forth in <br />Article X of the Refunding Indenture. <br />IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITED that all acts, conditions <br />and things necessary to be done by the Trustee precedent to the <br />authentication and delivery of the Refunding Certificates in order <br />to make them legal, valid and binding in accordance with their <br />terms, and in the execution and delivery of the Refunding <br />Indenture, have been done and performed and have occurred as <br />required by law; that the Trustee has, on its behalf, received <br />payment in full far the Refunding Certificates and that the <br />Refunding Certificates do not exceed or vivlat.e any Constitutional <br />or statutory limitation. <br />This Refunding Certificate shall not be ent_i.tled to any <br />security or benefit under the Refunding Indenture or become valid <br />or obligatory for any purpose until the certificate of <br />authentication hereon shall have been signed by the Certificate <br />Registrar. The Trustee certifies that this Refunding Certificate <br />II - 4. <br />
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