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Section ~. Sections 3.190, 3.195, 3.200, 3.205, 3.210, 3.215, 3.217, <br />3.219, 3.220, 3.2$3, 3.314, 3.315, 3.316, 3.317, 3.318, and 3.319 of the <br />Eugene Code, 1971, are repealed. <br />Section 8. Subsections (16) and (17) of Section 8.005 of the Eugene <br />Code, 1971, are amended to read and provide: <br />8.005 Administrative Code Amendments. The 1979 edition of the uniform <br />administrative code is amended to provide: <br />~16~ Anew Section 309- Demolition Permit Procedures, is added to <br />provide <br />Section 309 - Demolition Permit Procedures. <br />~a~ Issuance of ermit. No building permit for demolitian <br />ar work involving demolition sha11 be issued until the owner or <br />applicant has filed with the permit application a plan indicating <br />the length of time to complete the demolitian, whether there will <br />be salvage of material, the manner in which the site will be secur- <br />ed against accessi bi 1 i ty by chi 1 dren and other unauthorized per- <br />sons, and haw compliance with Chapter 44 Protection of Pedestrians <br />During Construction or Demolitions of the Oregon State Structural <br />. Specialty Cade will be achieved, and has otherwise complied with <br />applicable state and local laws. <br />fib} Completion. The building demolition for which a permit <br />is issued shall be completed within 60 days of the date of the <br />permit. An extension of time may be granted by the building offi- <br />ci a1, provided the demal i ti on i s progressing sati sfactori 1y. <br />~17~ Anew Section 310 - Movin Structures Procedures, is <br />added to provide: <br />Section 310 - Movin Structures Procedures. <br />~a~ ins ection. Upon payment of an inspection fee as estab- <br />l fished by resolution of the counci 1, the bui 1 di ng official shal 1 <br />inspect the house, building, or other structure, and advise the <br />applicant whether or not the same can be moved in accordance with <br />this section. No moving permit shall be issued until the building <br />or structure has been sa inspected. <br />~b~ Bond. The applicant shall, upon filing the application, <br />pay to the city the moving permit fee i n the amount established by <br />resolution of the council, and shall also file with the building <br />official a sufficient bond or cash deposit in an amount determined <br />necessary by the building official, but in no case less than <br />$2,000. The applicant shall certify that he/she will place the <br />building or structure, after moving the same, so as to meet the <br />following requirements: <br />1. The moved structure, including its foundation, <br />uti 1 i ty connections, additions, and a1 terati on s to the <br />building at the new location, shall comply with all the <br />applicable codes and ordinances of the city relating to new <br />Ordinance - 7 <br />