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ORDINANCE NO. I9339 <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING OFFENSES; REPEALING SECTIONS 4.690, <br />4.695, 4.720, 4.89x, AND 4.955 DF THE EUGENE CODE, 197I; <br />AND AMENDING SECTION 4.99D OF THAT CODE. <br />THE CITY DF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLO~iS; <br />Section I. Sections 4.690, 4.695, 4.720, 4.890, and 4.955 of the Eugene <br />Cade, I97I, are hereby repealed. <br />Section 2. Section 4.990 of the Eugene Cade, 197I, is amended to read <br />and provide: <br />4.990 Penalties - S ecific. <br />~I) Violation of section 4.350, 4.375~3)~c), 4.380, 4.4I0~1)~3) <br />~4) i s punishable by f i ne not to exceed $25. <br />~2) Violation of section 4.6I5 to 4.650 is punishable as follows: <br />~a) A person found by the court in a civil action brought <br />pursuant to section 4.645~5)~a) to have engaged in an unlawful <br />practice is subject to a fine of not more than $I,000 far each <br />occurrence thereof. The city shall be required to prove an act <br />of discrimination under this secti an~ by a preponderance of the <br />evidence. <br />fib) A person found guilty of having intentionally and <br />wi l 1 ful ly violated the provisions of sections 4.6I5 to 4.650 or a <br />person found guilty of violating those provisions a second or <br />additional time shall be subject, upon conviction in the municipal <br />court, to a fine of not mare than $1,000 or shall be subject to <br />imprisonment of not mare than 100 days, or both such fine and <br />imprisonment. <br />~3) Violation of sections 4.045 to 4.075, 4.330, 4.425, 4.770, <br />4.795, 4.835 to 4.850, 4.860, 4.895, 4.925, 4.965 to 4.975, and 4.981 <br />to 4.983 is punishable by fine not to exceed $500. <br />~4) Violation of any part of sections 4.872 to 4.878 is punishable <br />by fine not exceeding $10D. <br />~5) Except as provided in subsection X11) of this section, <br />violation of ORS provisions made offenses against the city under sections <br />4.110 to 4.220 are punishable to the same extent provided in the statutes. <br />~6) Violation of sections 4.360 and 4.365 is punishable by fine <br />not to exceed $250. <br />~7) Violation of section 4.375~1~)ta) is punishable by fine not <br />to exceed $20. <br />~8) Violation of sections 4,370, 4.375~1)~c), 4.375(1)~e}, <br />4.415, and 4.440 is punishable by fine not to exceed $50. <br />~ 9 } Violation of section 4.930 i s pun i shabl e by fine not to <br />exceed $500 or confinement in jail not to exceed 10 days. <br />~ 10) Vi of ati vn of section 4.731 i s puni shab1 e by a f i ne not to <br />exceed $1,000 or confinement in jail not to exceed one year, or both <br />fine and imprisonment. <br />Ordinance - 1 <br />