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or impacted Fares t Lands ~ F~;Z, RCP} . A <br />decision to apply one of the above zones <br />or both of the above zones in a split zone <br />fashion will be based upon; <br />~. A conclusion that characteristics of <br />the 1 and correspond more c 1 os e1 y to <br />the characteristics of the proposed <br />zoning than the characteristics of <br />the other forest zone, The zoning <br />characteristics referred to are specified <br />below in subsections 2 and 3. This <br />conclusion shall be supported by a <br />statement of reasons explaining why <br />the facts support the conclusion. <br />2. Non~Im acted Forest Land zone F~~1 <br />RCP Characteristics: <br />~i} predominantly ownerships not <br />developed by residences or non~rrforest <br />uses. <br />{ii} predominantlycontiguaus,ownerships <br />of 80 acres or larger in size, <br />viii} predominantly ownerships contiguous <br />to other lands utilized for <br />commercial forest or commercial <br />farm uses. <br />Div} accessed by arterial roads, <br />or roads intended primarily <br />for forest management. <br />~v} primarily under commercial forest <br />management, <br />3. Im acted Forest Land zone F~2 RCP <br />Characteristics: <br />~i} predominantly ownerships developed <br />by residences or nonforest uses. <br />~ i i } predominantly ownerships 80 <br />acres or less in size. <br />viii} ownerships generally contiguous <br />to tracts containing less than <br />~o acres and residences andlvr <br />adjacent to level aped or committed <br />areas for which an exception <br />has been taken i n the Metropo 1 i tan <br />area General Plan or Rural Campre <br />hensive Plan. <br />Div} provided with a level of public <br />facilities and services, and <br />roads, intended primarily for <br />direct services to rural residences." <br />Section 4. The text of the Plan, Section Il ~E "The Plan <br />Diagram", is amended to add the following plan diagram designation <br />and definition: <br />~4~~~ Grd i Hance <br />