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Goal 6. Air, Water and Land Resources Qualit <br />A. Goal 6 addresses the quality of the State's air, water and land resources. <br />B. The Metropolitan Plan "Natural Assets and Constraints Working Paper", <br />1978 hand addenda, addresses Goal 6 issues. <br />C. Policies 20 and 23, page III-C-9 and III-C-14 of the Metropolitan Plan <br />direct development of regulations, plans and programs concerning water <br />quality. <br />D. Sections 9.636 through 9.662 of the Eugene Code govern emissions which <br />could impact air, water and land quality. These provisions are appl i cabl e <br />C~ ty-wide, i ncl ud~ ng the Ri verf rout Park area. <br />E. The Metropolitan area is a portion of the southern Willamette Malley air <br />shed, and its air qua1 ity i s affected by outside sources. <br />F, Development within the metropolitan area influences air quality through <br />the combined effects of point source emissions, entrained road dust, and <br />motor vehicle usage. <br />G. Based on these findings, provisions in Eugene`s land use code, and <br />policies contained in the Metropolitan General Plan, the development <br />envisioned in draft Riverfrvnt Park Special Area Study and the proposed <br />General Plan amendment can occur whi 1 e maintaining compliance with Goal 6, <br />Air, Water and Land Resources Qua1 i ty. <br />Goal 7. Areas Sub'ect To Natural Disaster and Hazards <br />A. Provisions contained i n Goal 7 are intended, "Ta protect 1 i fe and property <br />from disasters and hazards." <br />B. The "Natural Assets and Constraints Working Paper" of the Metropolitan <br />Plan, addresses Goal 7 i ssues i n the metropolitan area . <br />C. Map A--1 of the "Natural assets and Canstrai nts working Paper" and Map E of <br />the draft Riverfrvnt Park Special Area Study show that portions of the <br />Study area 1 i e within the f 1 ood plain . <br />D. Metropolitan Plan policies 2 and 3, page III-C-7 directly address <br />development standards i n f 1 oodway and f 1 oodway fringe areas . <br />E. Sections 9.604 through 9.6x7 provide standards for new development in FH, <br />Flood Hazard zoned land and prohibits development in designated floodways <br />along the Wi 11 amette River throughout the Ci ty. <br />F. Existing policies and ordinances, which apply to the Ri verf rout Park area, <br />as well as other parts of the City, comply with Gaal #7. Because the <br />Riverfrvnt Study and the proposed amendment to the Metropolitan Plan will <br />follow these codes and policies, Goal 7, Natural Hazards i s satisfied. <br />Goal 8. Recreational Needs <br />A. Goal 8, Recreational Needs, i s intended to address "the recreational needs <br />of citizens of the state and visitors ." <br />EXHIBIT <br />PAGE ~ _0~~ <br />