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The City Council has established the method of calculating local <br />improvement assessments in Sections 1.170 through 1.180 of the Eugene Code, <br />1971; and <br />~fotice of the proposed estimated assessment to the owners and <br />reputed owners of the hereinafter designated parcels of real property has <br />been heretofore duly and regularly given in compliance with the provisions <br />of Chapter 1 of the Eugene Code, 1911, and a hearings official has heard any <br />and all protests, objections and remonstrances thereto and has fully considered <br />them and reported his ar her findings to the City Council, which has reviewed <br />and considered them. <br />THE CITY OF EUGE~~E DOES ORDAI~i AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section l.~ That the record of the hearing conducted by the <br />hearings officer and the findings of the hearings officer are hereby made <br />a part of the Gauncil's record in these proceedings and the findings prepared <br />by the hearings officer, attached hereto as Exhibit A, are incorporated <br />herein by reference and adapted. <br />Section 2. That the estimated~~cost of sanitary sewer an Bailey Hi1i <br />Road from 950 feet south of West 11th Avenue to 1200 feet south of West 11th <br />Avenue <br />in the City of Eugene, is the sum of $ 11,194.5E , aforesaid, which <br />is by this ordinance assessed against the parcels of property hereinafter <br />described in the amounts set opposite, respectively. <br />Section 3. That the City Council of the City of Eugene, Oregon <br />does hereby determine and assess each lot and part of iat being in Eugene, <br />Lane County, Oregon, to-wit: <br />Ordinance - 2 <br />P. 4~1. EPJGR. ADM 070 1 /$4 <br />