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<br />F. Over the course of two meetings on June 28 and July 13, the CDCT reached <br />consensus on the conceptual design for all five street segments. However, the CDCT did not <br />reach agreement on the overall design concept because of an outstanding issue regarding the <br />minimum street width. Through a consensus-based decision process, the CDCT determined <br />there were compelling reasons to support a minimum street width of 18 feet (two nine-foot travel <br />lanes). Reasons supporting the recommendation included the CDCT's themes and values <br />regarding preserved neighborhood livability, reduction of traffic speeds, efficient use of urban <br />land in a rural setting, increased safety for all modes of use, and focus on a footprint that fits the <br />neighborhood's character. As such, an 18-foot street width was perceived to be more consistent <br />with the CDCT's adopted themes and values than a 20-foot street width. Based on those <br />collaboratively developed values, it was the consensus recommendation of the CDCT to pursue a <br />legislative change to the minimum street width (18 feet rather than the prescribed minimum of <br />20 feet) prior to making a decision on the overall design concept. <br /> <br />G. Resolution No. 4608 adopting the Design Standards and Guidelines contains a <br />provision authorizing administrative amendments to the Design Standards and Guidelines. The <br />proposal to approve a minimum street width of 18 feet encompasses a wide range of community <br />interests that are more appropriate for the City Council to resolve, including safety, efficiency, <br />impacts to adjacent and surrounding residents, and costs assessed to affected property owners. <br />Therefore city staff referred this matter to the City Council. <br /> <br />H. The City Council held work sessions on the requested amendment to the street <br />width in the Crest Drive Neighborhood on September 19, 2007 and October 8, 2007, a public <br />hearing on October 15, 2007, and based on the above findings and the testimony presented at the <br />public hearing, is now ready to take action. <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, <br /> <br />BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EUGENE, a <br />Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon, as follows: <br /> <br />Section 1. The Design Standards and Guidelines for Streets, Sidewalks, Bikeways and <br />Accessways adopted by Resolution No. 4608 of the City Council is amended by adding the <br />following paragraph as subsection (3) to the Vehicle Travel Lane Width Design Standards <br />provision set forth on page 7, and as subsection (5) to paragraph A, the Vehicle Lanes provision <br />of the Local Street Design Standards set forth on page 36: <br /> <br />The minimum travel lane width on streets in the area identified as the Crest Drive <br />Area on the Eugene Street Classification Map is 9'. <br /> <br />Section 2. The City Recorder is requested to append a copy of this Resolution to <br />Resolution No. 4608, Ordinance No. 20181 and Ordinance No. 20056. To the extent any of the <br />provisions contained therein conflict with the amendment set forth in Section 1 of this <br />Resolution, the amendment contained herein shall prevail. <br /> <br />Resolution - 2 <br />