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<br />1. What experience, training, and/or qualifications do you have for this particular board or cOImnission? <br /> <br />- ~. :l ..LA . 0. S. c.\, 0. ~.r \ e d ~.Q.. .-\\") l'J\(\.o:};-.'~,^ <br />.L !'\c....Je... se'" .N....v tN\ T~ C ?C ) <br /> <br />O~ S,,"-\oCOMM'\~e'S, \e{\OM\~ \ \(\S\-c..\\o..""'tiO(\ ",f \o..i..\??I~ s.+-Cr.e~/ <br /> <br />1'\.._ <:::'..1......-).' ~ \:) {\ CI. (\ 6 o"+-i...ll..J" ~-k,'.{1'7.S <br />\ w:~ rj"l.o\..-\"""l.-e..,,, ..;.;>ycw",U,.M e.A:.pCJ..^~~ .., <br /> <br />4-he<...'\ co. ('f>.Q. V) ~;~ 'L ~'<...lL C f' C . <br /> <br />.. ' . ... --h.... \"~S~. c.~!\d <br />:r: "0...C<..>.1<,(.. (').)/'< e.4 ~'I(\.~\~ \:>c.;..c..~eu..-uv.." a (l.J"V\.u ~ '.:J <br />(\. N\ '" {'~,e.c..""'o.l',\ ccJ Q...l..'\.3' N,~,e.r >wU ',-\-\r-.. \1'.'\.4'? MQJi...:r ~ ~ Qr', ~...~ (. Q, · 1'- <br />C-ti'l'\,~ +r u.. e~ c f\ ~ 1\..0') e. c.ts. <br />A \s.o '1\\,+)o.1\ ^(:\.~r-e.., <br />What specific contribution do you hope to make to the board or commission? Why do you wallt to become a member? <br /> <br />2. <br /> <br />'"J:o.N\. '\ i\ ~\-I~ ~ 0.. \"" \<:.. e{': 4-.Q...</\ o,....-..d~. \ o..!\ d. ~ '.(:.1' (\ : """J 0... (\ j <br />'S ~ -..Jo..i'.&.. ~ h ; p 4Y ~ '0\ O{\ '\' S. \ ~!\'\ 1\"-.Cl..\5. ~ \D f\ e. s.. l e. -\- C ~ ~~, <br /> <br />r{\ ;:) (..,b 1\ ',-r< \) ...{."t-f 0 tIS ~ \-e.1,- J ....c.r. () M... 1'\'\. j ( -t" \'\. ~ P 1 (.J 0 \ ~ '\-0"( e.i <br /> <br />OJoA.J ~~ t- ~ coil. ~ PQ)- ~0Y\C Q ~ ~ \~ ) '''''.:; Or1\.. ~ d-s \ (\ --\-~ <br /> <br />(.itJ N\ N\ v.. 1\ ~~ j ~ a.l..o: \,~ ~1) W 0 1" k \'\ ~ r--d 0.. A..() >{'v,~e... 1:. <br /> <br />Oa.a..9 \ ~ /\0~ n S. . - 1\ ~ 9 f" '" ^, ., k <br />'--"'" \.NCl\> ~s (J) ft\ f'(\ U. {\ '\ CC.\...~ ~ €.~< \... v..j. t'\-... \. t\ c) \ \S, cl u.<l. <br /> <br />"f')7''E 7' 'I' b r.. b ..1.. d '. 'C" C' 'j ,. t~ . ~d.t>.:~ ,<3\'0 ~S. <br />'v. ".: ,0 aI.OW a wrge num er oJ Clllzef~~ 10 J"rve on (}arus an commiSSIOns, tne .i~V ouncl POliCY a ,01W in IViaua,s to serve <br />on on!}" on" standing board or commission at a time. A current member of a hoardkommission who is {} successful applicant jor <br />another board/commission will be required ta cht)ose between the f>l..'O appointments. This policy does riot apply to ad hoc commillees <br />or departmental committees or positions that are designated jor members of specific advisory group (e.g, .'he Human Rights <br />Commission member assigned to the Police Commission). <br /> <br /> <br />CiTY CQUNCIl, reLICf R1?(;,.(RD1NG RF-APl'OlNIHENT rCifJAR1)$ ANlJ. (OMI,!lS$((JNS <br />I. Members !!ldty (Jdvl~f)"" groups R'lf1)f serve (t maximW1lcJtwa cClfSecWiw /;f!Ynt.f whim die length oj t~ iVWI is thy," }'ef/l'S ()f'more, <br />ltl(lNiduaf1J 8ernll!1 terms fes$' JhGJl thr;:e .Wq"$ will he limited IQ a 141m o{lix Nnse&tiw- yuirS'Cf servi<:~; >, <br />fJfJPJ!f:'/~1,/r;." f!PI'{!!;i?lk1Mr w. . : " . <br />,",.,u f.d.r gtf , " , (J CM leprh1(ltl(.~fr()m Icr-.1cc, , ' <br />C ~~~mpkifA#11I.iiy li0l3~rve c~. m(ssl~ ~qepi as~~c:iru;alfy prwMed by rite- City Code, PI' <br />Atrequii'itlliijiet;fiJnn'itlfidaltlUtJijij .'. ... . ..... '.. . . ............ .. <br /> <br />fnfonoation ::'1.ibmitted on this applicHtion is public information, The infonnation provided herein is true lmd (:omplete, A <br />false or misleading statement may be cause for elimination from consideration. <br /> <br />Signature of Applicant <br /> <br />CJ~'\.f I~~JJ \1cr- ~ (~'-.. <br /> <br />Date <br /> <br />__!o- ;(S--O~ <br /> <br />Return completed applications to; <br />City Manager's Office <br />777 Pearl Street, Room 105 <br />i<:ugene. OR 97401 <br />541~682~5010 <br />541-682-5414 (Fax) (Applications may be (axed) <br />For more information, visit our web site at <br /> <br />\\Ccs""pp09\pubhc\CMO\Bnards ~nd C(}mmj~siollS\2(j05 BCCapplicr.!iotl.doc <br />