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<br />Mamlllemcnt <hIQg~!lmts, Accountin~ .lDstimates and Adjustments <br /> <br />Accounting estimates are an integral part of the preparation of financial statements and are based upon <br />management's current judg-ment. The process used by management encompasses their knowledge and experience <br />about past and CUTrent events and certain assumptions about future events. Management has infomled us they used <br />ail the relevant facts available to them at the time to make the best judgments about accounting estimates and we <br />considered this information in the scope of our audit. Estimates significant to the financial statements include such <br />items as the allowance for doubtful accounts and depreciation. <br /> <br />There were no adjustment idf.;ntified or recorded as part ofthe audit process. <br /> <br />\V(: accumulated no uncorrected misstaternents during our audit <br /> <br />Accounting Policies ~md Alternative Treatments <br /> <br />.tvfanagement, under the direction of the City Council has the ultimate responsibility for ihe appropriateness of the <br />accounting policies used by the City. Management has represented to us that the C1ty did not adopt any significant <br />new accounting policies nor have there been any changes in existing significant accounting policies during the <br />current year which should be brought to your attention. <br /> <br />We are not a\vare of any consultations management had with other accountants about accounting or auditing <br />matters. <br /> <br />Discussions ",'ftb l\'Ian2.j,tement <br /> <br />In the process of performing our audit procedures we often (~ncounter situations where we make recoUh'1lendations <br />to management concerning accounting processes, methods of recording transactions and strengthening controls. We <br />believe these reconunendations assist the City in the aCCOul1ting and financial reporting process, but a:re not of such <br />a magnitude to warrant discussion with the City Council. If we encounter matters of such significance that in our <br />opinion they should be brought to the attention of the City Council we \,till issue a leti:er commonly know as a <br />management letter. We did not issue such a letter in the Clh'Tent year. <br /> <br />';^le encountered no disagreements with management over the application of significant accounting principles, the <br />basis f{)r management's judgments on any significant matters, the scope of the audit or significant disclosures to be <br />included in the tlnanciilstatements. <br /> <br />"Ve did not encou:nter any difficulties in dealing vlith management relating to the performance of the audit. <br /> <br />No major issues were discm:sed with management prior to our retention to perfonn the aforementioned audit. <br /> <br />Closing <br /> <br />\Ve will be pleased to respond to any questions you have about the foregoing. \Ve appreciate the opportunity to <br />conti,'lue to be of service to the Cit'j of Eugene. <br /> <br />This n,-port is intended solely for the inflynnation and use of the City Council and management and of the City of <br />Eugene is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone oilier than these specified parties. <br /> <br />V:h~lf1:!trS, 12 <br />